Pondering part. 2

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( To anyone who doesn't know this is the conversation between Ryan and Bonnie from the last chapter. I had said i would put it in the beginning of the third chapter and here it is.)


Ryan's POV

"Hey Bonnie how are you and the others doing."



"Oh come on don't be shy I don't bite...mostly."

"I uh... guess I'm doing...fine."

"Well I'm Ryan and I'm the new night guard for the week. Don't worry I know about you guys so don't worry."

"Well OK I guess... so what do you want to talk about."

"Nothing much really just wanted to talk to one of my favorite animatronic since childhood."

"Wait I'm your favorite."

"Oh absolutely, Foxy was my second fav... hey what's wrong."

"We..we don't really talk about Foxy anymore since...since the incident."

"You mean the bite that happened in 87'."

"Yeah that."

"Oh I see...well you know I know someone who knows the victim and she seems to be doing fine now."


"yeah, her name is Saraphine, she has a daughter and a husband. Though she can't remember things well she still lives her life."

"Do you think she still remembers what Foxy did." Bonnie said growling the words.

"Whoa calm down bro, that I can't tell you because I haven't seen her in while."

"Oh okay."

Ryan closely looked at Bonnie at how tense he was.

"Hey I know you don't want to talk about this, but are you still mad at Foxy for what happened?"

Bonnie didn't answer right away and when Ryan was about to just move on with the conversation when Bonnie finally answered...

"I can't say that I forgive him, but... but I can't say I'm mad at him anymore."

"So why don't you talk to him then?"

Bonnie didn't answer right away before confirming what Ryan had thought.

"Freddy won't let us talk to him because he believes that Foxy is corrupted and is evil for hurting the kid."
"Well don't you worry about Freddy I'll talk to him as well." Ryan said darkly.
Bonnie seeing tension wanted to break it so he asked Ryan a question.
"Hey uh Ryan why did you want to take this job anyway knowing what we are?"
"Well it simply is that me and my friends used to come here as kids and when I heard they had a job opening I took it. Plus when I heard rumors about the night shift and how you guys move at night my friends convinced me to come because we love the paranormal."
"Well I guess that is fine way to get a job."
"Hey you get what you get and you don't get upset."

Bonnie laughed a little at Ryan's statement before looking at the clock to see that it was a little after 3.

"Hey I have to go but I guess I will see you tomorrow Ryan."

"I guess so." Ryan said smiling but remembered to tell Bonnie something before he left.

"Hey Bonnie!"

Bonnie turned around when Ryan called.

"Hey make sure if you at least tell Foxy that you are not upset at him anymore so he won't be so miserable."

Bonnie hesitated with an answer before responding.

"what about Freddy?"

"Like I told you I will handle him." She said with a wicked smile. With this Bonnie left the hallway to go to the dinning hall. She decided go see Foxy for awhile before leaving work. She arrived at pirate's cove and walked inside to see foxy still lying in bed, but by the way that he was breathing he wasn't asleep.
*convo done*

"Hey Foxy."

He didn't respond at first but then turned over to look at his new best friend.

"You should go Ryan."

Ryan froze for a second Foxy's statement going through her mind before she grew angry and walked over to Foxy's bed.

"Why the hell should I."

Foxy didn't respond at first not knowing how to respond to Ryan's sudden anger to what he said so he kept quiet. But was shocked at what Ryan had said next.

"It was Freddy." It wasn't a question it was a statement that she knew the answer to. Foxy didn't say anything but it seemed that it was the answer she needed. Ryan sighed.

"Foxy listen and listen closely, you do NOT need to worry about Freddy I will handle him ya hear me."

Foxy looked up in shock at what Ryan had just proclaimed.
"No no Ryan don't say that Freddy could seriously hurt you or worse."
"And he could do the same to you because he is still angry at you."
"But I have a chance to survive and fight back." Foxy said in panic.
"And I don't!" Ryan yelled angrily.
Foxy didn't say anything not wanting to upset the one person who accepts him. His silence made Ryan sigh.
"Look Foxy I like you and I know you want to fight your own battles but sometimes its too big and disastrous to fight alone. So don't fight this alone."
Foxy said nothing but looked at Ryan with tears in his eyes and nodded his head. Ryan went over and hugged foxy before saying she had to leave and would see him tomorrow.
As Ryan walked out to the stage area she looked at Freddy standing still and glared at him. Though he didn't move she could tell he was glaring back.
"See you tomorrow Freddy." She said sweetly but nothing about her tone was. Turning back she walked out the door preparing an encounter with the bear.

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