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Foxy's POV

'I hope they go easy on her, she seemed like a very nice girl.' Foxy was still in his cove when he heard Bonnie get off stage and walk into the dinning hall. Bonnie and Foxy never really talked after the bite of 87'. Foxy knew that Bonnie was still mad about it and that he blamed Foxy for the incident. Foxy looked across from where he was at and at the clock showing it was two o'clock a.m. Foxy heard a clicking noise and looked in the corner to see the camera on. Foxy waved knowing who was behind the camera.

Foxy heard a noise to his right and looked to find Bonnie watching him wave at the camera. Immediately Foxy ducked inside of the curtains. He heard Bonnie continue to walk and heard the camera shut off. He then heard Chica banging pots and pans around the kitchen. Hearing Chica made him think back to the old times when they would hang out together before Freddy threatened her to stay away. After that we barely talked let alone looked at each other because of that. It wasn't that Foxy hated Freddy for making the others not be around him it was just he didn't really like him too much. While Foxy was sitting in his cove pondering this when he heard the six o'clock alarm go off. He looked out of his cove and saw Ryan walking to the door before turning around and waving at Foxy. Foxy waved back and Ryan walked out the door. When Foxy looked to his right he noticed Freddy glaring at Foxy like he was going to kill him. 'Oh man what have I gotten into'.

*Time Skip before Ryan comes in*

Foxy's POV

Foxy woke up around 11:30 or 11:45 and he got up and walked out of pirate's cove only to meet Freddy standing in front of him. Before he could do anything Freddy punched him in the stomach. The force of the punch caused Foxy to hit the floor. So Foxy tried to crawl away and got inside the cove when he felt Freddy grabbed his ankle and pulled him towards him. Freddy then proceeded to punch him in the chest, stomach, and facial area before getting off of him. "You are to stay in the cove tonight while we play OUR game with your friend, and if I catch you out of the cove I will see to it that you are permanently out of order." Freddy growled before leaving.

Foxy crawled to his bed and went under the covers and began to cry and eventually fell asleep. Later Ryan arrived and went to see foxy, but he never responded when she called his name. 'Maybe he is asleep, oh well I'll check up on him before I leave today.' She thought.

*Later that night*

Foxy woke up again about three am and sat on the edge of the bed and yawned. When Foxy went to stretch he winced in pain before remembering what had happened after Ryan had left. Foxy stopped moving and decided to crawl back into bed not willing to face Freddy again. All he could do was hope that Ryan was fine and that the others wouldn't hurt her so bad.

Ryan's POV *1:05 am*

Ryan was listening to the voice mail from a guy while occasionally checking the cameras. She looked up at the camera and saw that Bonnie had moved already and was in the back stage area. Ryan wasn't scared because she actually wanted to talk with him that night. Ryan looked at the camera and saw that Bonnie was down the hall and chica was in the dinning hall. Ryan had put down the camera and set back in the chair.  She heard movement on her left so she turned on the light outside the door. She jumped a little when she had saw Bonnie standing in the door.

" huh you surprised me Bonnie." before smiling and walking towards Bonnie before he could do anything.Bonnie didn't know what to do so could only stand there when Ryan had grabbed his hand. ( forgot to mention that at night that the animatronics turn human but can switch between both forms if they choose to). Ryan shut both doors noticing that it was already three am and that she was still at 70%. She put Bonnie in the chair while she sat on the counter. 

"Hi Bonnie how are you and the others doing?"



(Cliffhanger until the next chapter becuase I forgot to create a conversation with Bonnie and Ryan. The next chapter will start off with the converstaion. Sorry it is extremly short. Also for anyone who didn't get why the time changed from three when foxy woke and Ryan's part at 1:05 was because this is what was happening while foxy was asleep.)

Foxy x Freddy! x Golden Freddy?Where stories live. Discover now