A New Friend

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Foxy's POV

'I was bored inside my cove while the others got to sing and interact with the kids. I was kind of jealous of them, they could still walk around during the day while I was  stuck inside my because of what happened in 87'. '

Foxy then noticed that they had a new guard and her name was Ryan . She had staight died black hair with hot pink & neon green in parts of her bang. She wore a black short sleeve shirt on top of a long red sleeved shirt and black pants and black and red sneakers. He noticed that she keep looking at his cove and started walking towards it. He slowly backed up not knowing what to do since now one ever visited him. When she got the curtains she stood there a moment before speaking.

" Hey Foxy, you in there?"

He was too shocked that she was talking to him to respond, so he tried to back up futher into the cove but knocked into some props making loud noises when they fell to the floor.

" Hey Foxy I know your in there, I just wanted to say hi." Ryan explained

Foxy finally got the courage to walk towards the entrance of the cove and told Ryan that she could come inside. She stood there shocked at how quick he was to invite her inside but came in anyway.

* Bad Pirate Talking sorry* ( F: foxy R: ryan)

F: "So what is it ye wantin' to talk about?"

R: "Nothing much just wanted to say hi to you guys but the others are off at the moment, so I came to visit you first."

F:"And why would ye do that for lass?"

R:"I just wanted friends and I already knew you guys were alive so yeah, I wanted to talk before my shift starts."

Foxy said nothing to that by the fact Ryan knew that they were alive. 'Does that mean she knows about the bite of 87 ?'

F:" H-Hey Ryan..."

R:"Oh wow look at the time..." she looks at foxy " Hey love to talk but my shift started so I have to go before the others come, so bye."

Ryan left to head to the office leaving Foxy confused on the whole conversation that they just had. What Foxy and the others didn't know was that Ryan would turn out to be the one person in the world that would care about their well being or that she would become important in their lives.

( sorry it is so short hopefully chapter two will be longer)

Foxy x Freddy! x Golden Freddy?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora