9 || Lost and Found [1]

262 11 26

Run Aiko, Run!

You were rushing to the school as it was 5:45 in the afternoon and it was almost closing.



"Aiko, you're so easily hooked with going out with your friends you forgot about your homework on your desk!" You scolded yourself as you kept running and running, when you bumped into someone coming from the opposite direction.



Opening your eyes after you hit the ground, you saw another girl rubbing her head which had turned red from the impact.

"Waah! I'm so sorry!" You bowed immediately as the girl just smiled.

"It's alright, it happens to me too. Hehe."

You smiled back at the girl and waved goodbye as you continued rushing through the school.

Something was terrifyingly familiar about that girl too.

"That girl..."

Had cream white and short hair...

With tips as green as daikon leaves...

Some bandages around her head and...

Such fat ankles.

My Long Lost Friend || AmaNene FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now