Part 37

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Alyssa's POV:

"Knock it off, Alyssa", Maddie said sternly, starting to get pissed, as we were sitting on her couch, just hanging out.

"What?", I said, trying not to let on that I was pranking her.  Because, I mean, after all, we had already been back together for a little over a day.  So, I figured why not?  Because I figured that was long enough to wait before I started messing with her.

"Stop calling me a He.  You've been calling a man all fucking day."

"What?  I don't see what's wrong with you being my man."

She rolled her eyes.  "Stop it."

"What?  You're the one who strengthens this family.  You bring stability.  That's what a man does.  A man provides for his family."

And with that, she just glared at me, but didn't say anything, as she was getting more and more pissed with every passing second.

But that was the point of the prank.  I had been calling her my man ALL day.  Nonstop. Just to get a reaction out of her.  And it was fucking hilarious.  Because she was completely falling for it.

"And you're gonna put those baller shorts on too just how I like, daddy", I said, cuddling up to her.  "Like a man should.  For his woman."

She pushed me away from her.  "Ok, that's it!  Stop calling me a fucking man, Alyssa!", she yelled, now completely irritated.  Because it had been going on for hours.  "You've been doing this all fucking day.  And it's getting on my fucking nerves!"

"Dude, why are getting upset when I call you a man when you act like the man?"

"I don't act like a fucking man."

"I can't wait to have his and hers.  His and hers closets.  His and hers dishes.  His and hers... booty cheeks."

And that's when she snapped.  "Shut the fuck up, Alyssa!  I'm serious!  You're pissing me the fuck off with this shit!  You've been doing this all damn day and I can't take it anymore!"

And just then, I busted out laughing.  "Ok, ok.  I'm just playing.  It's just a prank", I said, deciding that I probably should end the prank before she went completely nuclear on me.

She looked at me in near belief, as she now realized that the whole thing had been a prank and I had just been fucking with her all day long. "Oh my God!  You've been pranking me this whole time!  You've been calling me a man all fucking day, and now you tell me it's just a prank?!", she said, completely pissed off.  "At what point do you grow the hell up, Alyssa?!  At what point?!"

"I'm sorry. It's was just supposed to be a funny joke", I said, laughing again.  Because I found it fucking hilarious.

But her reaction was completely the opposite of mine.  Because she didn't find it funny at all.  

"Ok.  Sorry.  The joke didn't go over the way I thought it would", I said, trying to explain.

And with that, she just glared at me.  "You play too much, Alyssa!", she said, getting up and storming off into the bedroom.  

I followed her into the bedroom.  Because, honestly, I didn't want her to be mad, because it was just a joke.  "Babe, It's not that serious.  It's just a joke."

"A joke shouldn't last all day, Alyssa."

"Well, it was funny.  So, I just decided to keep it going."

"You've been calling me a He all day.  And because of that, you ruined my whole day, and now you got me in a bad mood", she said, sitting in the edge of the bed sulking. 

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