Part 46

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The next morning:

Maddie's POV:

I woke up the next morning, as the sunlight poured through the window.  A welcoming light, in the eve of a dark night.  Because it quite simply meant a new day.   And that meant a day that would hopefully bring better things.  At least better than what had happened yesterday.  One could only hope.

As my body awakened and my eyes adjusted to the light of a new day, I reached over to Alyssa's side of the bed, as she had slept over last night, only to find that she wasn't there.  

I crawled out of bed, completely naked, as I quickly got dressed.  I looked around the room and saw my and Alyssa's clothes scattered all over the floor from last night, even though we hadn't  even had sex.  All we did was sleep.  Because the fact was Alyssa and I had fallen into the habit of sleeping naked.   It was something we both enjoyed doing because of the feeling of intimacy and closeness it gave us.  Plus, sleeping naked with her was just plain sexy.  Not gonna lie. 

But the memories of the horribleness of yesterday and what had happened with Taylor was really the only thing on my mind.  It had been a terrible experience.  Absolutely horrible.  And needless to say, it hadn't gone as planned.  Not at all.  In fact, far from it.

Once dressed, I went into the bathroom, only to find Alyssa looking at her eye in the mirror.  And honestly, her eye looked terrible.  Worse than yesterday.  As it was now completely swollen shut and the bruising looked worse.

"Good morning", I said, my voice laced with concern, as I walked over to her.  

"Morning she said, still looking in the mirror.

"How are you?  How is your eye feeling?"

"It feels about the same as yesterday.  But it just looks so horrific"

I nodded in agreement.  Because it did.  It looked absolutely terrible.  "You're sure there's nothing broken?", I asked, because even though she had said yesterday that nothing was, it sure looked like there was.

She shook her head.  "No.  They took X-rays at the ER.   And everything came back fine."

"That's good", I said, still feeling terrible about the whole thing.  "Alyssa, again, I'm really sorry about everything."

She looked away from the mirror, and then at me.  "It's not your fault, Maddie.  Honestly, you don't need to apologize."

"But I just feel bad that you had to get caught in the middle of it."  And I did.  I felt completely terrible that she had gotten in a physical confrontation and had gotten hurt over me.  I never in a million years ever intended for that to happen.  Ever.  

"All that was supposed to happen was she was supposed to get her clothes.  And then leave", I continued, thinking about how it was supposed to go.

"I know.  And it would have been nice if it had happened that way.   But, unfortunately it didn't."

"Yeah", I said, still in shock at the horrors of yesterday.  "But the most important thing is you getting better."  Because it was.  Because her eye just looked so bad. 

She pulled me close to her and hugged me, then placed a soft kiss on my lips.  "Baby, don't worry about me.  I'll be fine.  It's just a black eye."

"But it looks terrible."

"I know.   But it will heal in time.  It's fine."

"I'm still worried."

"You don't need to worry.  It will be fine.  And besides , what's done is done.  There's nothing we can do about it."

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