Informal Meeting + Authors Note

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Carlos POV:

After a long day at school, my night, as usual, was a small portion of peace, than a whole lot of yelling. Dad and Magaly got into a massive argument, followed by a tongue lashing and a lecture. I hated how small our house was, you could hear every shuffle of the carpet, cough, sneeze, and creak of a bed. If it weren't for Steve Lacy's sweet sound I would've gone nuts.

Our morning routine went as always, Magaly woke up and showered, JD and I always showered the night before so we had no such worries. We got dressed, ate, and headed for the bus stop,

only a block away. "Mags what the hell happened last night?" JD asked.

"Bullcrap. Dad just looks for things to yell at me, I swear!" Magaly threw up her hands in exaggeration. "Well, it's not like you didn't storm off after a screaming match with your mom. " I interjected "It wasn't a 'screaming' match Carlos, no need to play Devil's advocate."

"Well, he isn't depending on who's the devil," JD said, smirking.  We boarded the bus, heading for the back seats we had marked as our own. I sat with JD as opposed to my normal sitting partner Kadijah. I missed talking to her about my night, and her helping me with homework and cracking jokes. There was none of that now, just reminiscence.

Adalaide boarded, there being a visible absence of her brother.  She sat next to Magaly, they greeted each other and began to speak, Mags explaining what happened the night before exaggerating every single event. I stood and leaned over to tap Adalaide "Uh, where's Mal-Chin?" Mal-Chin's absence wasn't too surprising. We both skipped school. Honestly, I wouldn't put it past him to skip the first day. but we had a rule, no skipping two days in a row. There was something I didn't know about. "He's in Jersey helping my grandma move, I told you this." She looked annoyed as I interrupted her.

"Uh? Since when did moving into some old folks' homes take 1 week?" 

"I don't know, it's like luxury or something" She waved me off and turned back around to continue her conversation with Magaly. I didn't like how curt and undescriptive her responses were. Why did she brush it off so quickly? Was I overreacting? Anyone in my position could understand my concern.

I didn't ponder on it much longer, I would see him soon anyway. We got to school and separated our normal ways. I got to my first class where I sat in the back. Soon the new kid walked in. There was an empty seat next to me so I waved him over. He seemed surprised at first but quickly walked over. " Uh hi," he said, setting all of his things down. "I'm Micheal, you're in my advisory right?"

"Yeah, Carlos," I said looking at the board. "Well, I'm assuming that's your name," He said, taking out his binder. "And uh, I forgot to tell you, thanks for yesterday. You didn't need to help me."

"It was in my instincts to help I guess, I kind of run this place," I said confidently, I heard a snicker from in front of me. I slightly cringed as I realized how I sounded. "Well I'll keep that in mind," Micheal smiled awkwardly. I got a better look at Micheal now that we were sitting next to each other. He had strawberry-blonde hair, a peach-like complexion, with green doe eyes that were exaggerated by his blue-rimmed glasses that were borderline bifocals.

As our teacher got set up the volume of the class grew louder with conversations, everyone was still catching up and reminiscing from the summer.  I checked my phone occasionally. I could see Micheal twiddling his thumbs in my peripheral vision. I hated being in classes with none of my friends. Yes, I can hold a conversation with anyone, but it's a different feeling talking to your friends than just your random peers. I never really tried to go out of my way to make new friends, as I was completely fine with my old ones. In my mind, Mal, Ada, Khadijah, Deron, and my family were all I needed. Why would I need new friends?

Micheal POV:

I decided to break the awkward silence that plagued my little corner in the back of the class. "So, How was your Summer?" Carlos perked up slightly. "It was pretty good, I went to DR to visit some family, took a 2-week boat trip with my Granddad." He turned to face me and rested his head in his hand. "What'd you do?" Carlos had a soft smile and a warm deep tan complementing his dusty brown coily hair. His hazel green eyes were placed symmetrically on his face "I spent most of the summer preparing to move. I didn't do much other than going to my grandma's house."

"You just moved here? From where?" Carlos asked with genuine curiosity. "Oh, just Beffield. It's a few miles outside of west Amge-"

"YOU LIVED IN BEFFIELD?" Carlos remarked loudly. I was shocked by his surprise. "Y-yes, Why is that so baffling?" I asked with legitimate confusion. "Why would you ever move from Beffield to Amgen? The houses there are practically made of gold!" Is this really what people thought about Beffield? It's just an average town. The houses are a little pricey but it's no different than Amgen, or at least I thought it wasn't. "Beffield isn't that rich, the house just cost a little more."
"If that's the case then why did you move?"

".... It was too expensive."

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Author's Note

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Hiiii it's been a while. Sorry for such a long wait for this chapter, I'll try to push out at least two more chapters in the following weeks, sorry again and I hope ya'll enjoy this chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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