Can't we just talk this through?

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Micheal POV:
Ok, Have you ever gone to one of those schools, when everyone knows each other? And no one is open to making new friends? Yeah, that's my new school. My mom wanted me to go here because she and my other mom went here when they were my age. Amgen City high school. Probably the worst school in the district. I went to a private school initially, My (other) mother's choice.

Although I am smart, the school wasn't for me. It was a catholic all boys school, and of course they pushed a huge anti-gay motive ; and if you haven't noticed I have 2 moms. My new school wasn't that bad. Yeah, there were assholes, but every school has them. They're was this boy who sat behind me who was kind of cute but I couldn't tell if he's still straight or not.

The day was going on normally the way a school day should. Then something very strange happened. Strange not as in something not normal , strange as in something abrupt happening at such a calm time. A better word for it would probably be "Surprising." I was walking toward my locker, the principal just guided me to it. People from previous years that have been going there since ninth grade kept their original lockers but new kids got new lockers.

I went up to my locker and grabbed my books for the next class, then a group of athletic kids walked up to me. I can't even say that it was something out of the ordinary. At my old school some of the jocks or just down right stupid kids would walk up to me and ask for me to do their homework, i'd say yes if they were able to pay me. If not I'd decline.

"Yes, can I help you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

The two of them combined were about 600 lbs. or more. I'm pretty small compared to them. I was always shorter, but my parents always explained how I'd get tall in high School. If I'm explaining how i'm in junior year and I'm still a dwarf, it obviously never happened. So I had absolutely no chance against these 2.

"Did ya here? Amgen has a 'No fruits allowed rule.' "

"Well they seem to have an open door policy to assholes."

I really shouldn't have said that. They looked at each other and looked back at me. One slammed my books on the ground and the other pinned me to the wall. "Could you repeat that?" this taller one said. I was being really bold at that moment, don't know why, but I was.

"Did I stutter?"

Ok, I REALLY shouldn't have said that. The short chubby one got really mad, he was probably about to beat the absolute dog shit out of me, but, someone stopped him.

Carlos POV:

" I have more news about the new kids," Magaly added
" Do you remember Dad's friend Marina?"

" Yeah? Why?" Marina had moved away before we were born but had been around with her wife occasionally and was a light in my life when she was there. She got into some fancy college and opened a franchise for her mom's company, got her shit together and moved away from this hell town. My Dad didn't have the drive or anyone who pushe him to do so. His family was just as rich as hers. He just never wanted to do the right thing.

"Her son goes here apparently, he's in your grade." She didn't dare say he was my age because he wasn't. I stayed back while my brother excelled ahead of me.
"Son? Isn't she, you know?"
" Gay isn't a bad word Carlos.' JD asserted. "Her wife got a donor."

"So... it isn't really her kid?" My siblings rolled their eyes. I have to admit my ignorance, but growing up in an environment that was dismissive or hostile towards these things didn't help. My brother was very open and upfront with his sexuality, even to our parents and grandparents. I however didn't really show much interest in that discussion. At times I did but never allowed them to think I did.

In my peripheral vision, I saw a small cluster of people by the lockers. After turning my head I was able to point out 3 distinct people. 2 of the mega jocks who had squeezed into their freshman jerseys, and the new kid. In between the loudness and controlled chaos of the hallway I could make out an argument between them. Not wanting to see this kid get pummeled, I sat my things down and strided over to them. The bigger one had the kid pinned to a locker, his fists balled up ready to knock the kid into oblivion. Before he could even lift his arm I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey fellas, what's the commotion about?" I said in a chipper tone unsuited for the circumstances. The jocks looked over at me, the big one letting his hand loosen from the new kids collar. The smaller one recoiled. He knew me and he knew what I was capable of.

"This new punk's trying to show off, I just wanted to show him the Amgen way of integrating new students." My face shifted from a greeting smile to a dull expression.

"Well, the locker you happen to be about to slug this kid into, happens to be my locker. And if I were you, I wouldn't want to damage MY locker." I cracked my knuckles, the balls of my palm pushing up the brass knuckles that shielded my fingers. The small one looked at his large counter with a concerned look on his face. "ch'Yeah, dude whatever." The leader of the 2 rolled his eyes and walked away, his friend following. As soon as they walked off I did too. While I walked back over to my siblings to retrieve my things I heard a faint "Thank you!" coming from the almost victim. I felt bad for barely acknowledging him, but I had done my job.

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