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I thought I'd do an introduction of the characters, you can skip if you want, or choose to read i wont attack you like pennywise👍🏻
Oh also Y/N in this story is presented as a female/non-binary with female parts im so sorry I can do a version with her as a boy if you guys want after this :)

Bill Denbrough- unaware when it comes to girls, Richie is mostly the one to tell him what a girl is planning. Has had a crush on Y/N for the longest time, but he's too scared to say.

Richie Tozier- the oldest of the two, makes a lot of sexual jokes, very overprotective of Y/N and always has been (awhhh cutie).

Y/N Tozier- the youngest of the Tozier's, (by 5 minutes but Richie still thinks it's amazing and shows it off) she isn't afraid to stand up for herself or the other losers, she's the closest to Stan who she had a crush on a while back but totally denied it, she's had the HUGEST crush on Bill for as long as she can remember but she's scared Richie will be mad at her.

Mike Hanlon-Bright character, always brings out a joke and knows how to cheer people up on a bad day.

Stanley Uris-his usual logical self, he's had a crush on Y/N since they met when they were younger, but has a feeling she likes Bill but doesn't want to bring it up.

Beverly Marsh-Never really been in a group, shares the same bullies as the losers but only really stands up to Greta, liked Y/N the first time they met (they've kissed yes ik omg!! Gay relationship but...) then moved on to liking Ben.

Ben Hanscom-likes Bev, (I mean come on theres no other way to say it😭) he straight up blushed at pretty much anything she says (little simp smh, i mean- who wouldn't be a simp for Miss Beverly Marsh)?

Eddie Kaspbrack-his usual scared self, freaks out about almost anything (especially staph infections😏) he likes Richie (does he like him back though? Who knows? Oh wait, i do HAHA)

That's the end of the introductions so onto the actual story👍🏻👍🏻

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