Finally this shit is over!

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Back to Y/N POV:

As I walked into the school bathroom to change into the clothes Bill gave me, I spotted a girl with medium length gingery hair stood staring at herself in the mirror, it looked like something had been dumped on her.

I look further up the mirror where I recognised the face

"Beverly is it?"

She turned to look at me "Yeah, your Richie's twin Y/N right?"

"Yep that's me, your in my maths class you sit at the front to the left?"

"Yeah, it's a bummer though i always get picked on"

"Yeah I know what it's like, I used to sit there but a couple of weeks ago I refused and sat in the seat at the back" i laughed,

Beverly giggled, "What are you doing in here with that?" She pointed to the pile of Bill's clothes in my hand.

"Oh this? Greta spilt my lunch all over me but Bill gave me his spare clothes he had."

"Ohh right ok, we'll i better let you get changed" she paused, "And maybe i could sit with you at lunch too? I don't have many friends at the moment and I don't think I will since Greta has made up all those lies about me"

I paused myself, wondering the reactions of the boys if I just brought Bev along, they would probably be all over her, apart from Stan he tends to stay away from girls.

"Yeah! Of course you can! It would be nice to have another girl around." I smiled.

"Really? Great. I got scared when you paused"

We laughed as i walked over to the stall.

I walked in and shut it behind me, although it was kind of a slam.

I slipped off my blue denim shorts and dropped them to the floor, then picked up the shorts Bill gave me, I pulled them over my knees and zipped them up, i rolled them up since I was pea sized compared to him.

I then pulled off my top and jacket, i looked down at my body wondering why it wasn't like Beverly's. I signed and just pulled on the t-shirt then my jacket since that had no food on it.

I grabbed the clothes, unlocked the door and walked out,

Bev was writing in a book, i assumed it was her diary but i didnt say anything nor did I ask,

She must have caught a glimpse of me because she slammed the book shut, this confirmed my original suspicion that it was a diary.

She stuffed it almost to the bottom of her bag before throwing it over her shoulder and linking her arm with mine.

Before I knew it we were striding out the door back towards the canteen table me and the boys were originally sat at.

I unlinked mine and Bev's arms and slunk into my seat before dragging Bev down next to me.

"This is Beverly" i began
"You can call me Bev" she interrupted.

"H-hey Bev!" All but Richie stuttered who gave me nothing but a dirty look for dragging another girl who the boys clearly loved already.

Richie was about to say something but the bell rang, meaning it was he end of the day

(they had a half day)

Groups of cheers rose around the canteen as the kids rushed out the doors.

We all stood up and began walking slowly out the door

When we got outside we dumped all our books into the bin.

"Best feeling ever!"

"Yeah try tickling your pickle for the first time"

"I don't have one" me and Bev spoke in sync

"Just tickle your part then"

I looked at my brother in disgust. How was i related to this thing. No not even that. How was i his twin?

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