Finally, it's summer

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I stared at my brother in utter disgust at his previous statement.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?? What did I do?"

"What do you mean 'what did I do'" I imitate his previous statement.

"G-g-guys lets j-j-just for-r-get about I-I-t, I-I-t's summer l-l-lets just h-h-have fun."

"Yeah Bills right guys, there's no point arguing, I know your twins and all but just leave it lets go to the barens or something." Stanley added.

"The barens? Are you insane?? Do you know how many diseases brew around there??" Eddie frantically paced around.

"It's fine Eddie, you'll be with us nothing will happen to you." I attempted to comfort him but he just sent me a glare that read "I don't give a fuck Y/N shut up", so I just looked away.

But when I looked away I couldn't help but think Bill was staring at me but when I looked he was looking towards Beverly, of course he was, and it seemed so were all the other boys, of course they are, she's perfect.

I glanced around our group to see if even Stan who normally keeps to himself about girls was looking, and of course, he wasn't, that gave me some hope for these boys.

I mean I guess it was my own fault for bringing Bev to my group so I can't really tell her to piss off now shes getting all the attention, but I can't help but be a little jealous of her, hopefully she's not one of those who brags about how good she looks like Greta.

We all planned to go to mine and Richie's house after school but Beverly didn't have a bike, I offered her mine but I was too late, she already got onto Bill's I could see them laughing and joking around like we used to, I guess she's my replacement, I just looked down the whole way home.

Maybe i let my overthinking takeover but I couldn't help it, i couldn't push the thoughts away.

Time Skip: The Tozier's house.


I threw my bike to the floor and stormed up our porch steps to the door which thankfully was unlocked, I ran as fast as I could up the stairs not even acknowledging my parents nor if any of the losers club were inside.

I stormed into my room and slammed the door shut sliding down the door as I began to sob, I didn't care about the losers club anymore nor our plans to go to the barens but I couldn't help but feel stupid how I was crying over a boy who  I didn't even know if he liked me back. It was too late now the tears were already flowing and they didn't seem to be stopping.

I tried to hold in the tears and slammed my hand in front of my face when I heard steps outside my door, I prayed it was just my parents grabbing their keys for work but it wasn't.

Stan's POV:

(Starting from when the boys were looking at Bev)

I saw the way they looked at Bev, especially Bill, which seemed to really have an effect on Y/N because a clear layer of tears soon glossed her eyes.

I knew she liked him but no one knew if he liked her back.

I felt bad for her because I knew for a fact her overthinking would take over.

As we grabbed our bikes to head to the Tozier's we realised Bev didnt have one, so Y/N offered but she was cut off by bill who basically dragged Bev onto his bike, Y/N looked so broken.

I attempted to bike alongside Y/N but she didn't pay any attention as she kept her eyes glued to the ground, i feared for the worst as i knew how bad she got when she got too much in her head.

Without realising we were somehow already at their house where Y/N was the first to dismount her bike which she threw to the floor and ran to the porch, into the house and then finally to her room.

The boys and Bev looked almost startled at her outburst because none of them realised what set her off but luckily I did and shut Richie up before he could say anything about it.

I told them id be back as i slowly crept up to the steps where i heard muffled sobs coming from Y/N's room.

She must've put her hand over her mouth because as I approached they got quieter.

Back to Y/N POV:

*knock knock*

2 light taps on my door. it was Stan, i knew it before he even spoke, he always knocks like that.

"Hey Y/N, can i come in, i saw what happened and i don't want you to do anything stupid like last time this happened okay, so please open the door. The others are in the living room they don't have to know.

i loved Stan, but not the same i loved Richie or Bill.

Stan was.. different, he was so polite and considerate, before I even knew it I was opening the door and squeezing him tight.

He put his head on top of mine due to our height difference, he didn't even have to say anything for me to calm down, almost like he was a magician.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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