Chapter 11 - RIP in Peace

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Their next hangout went pear-shaped early on.

"I'm so sorry, Kiri, but I totally spaced... I promise to text you when I get there," Natsuki laughed, throwing another pair of dress slacks into her suitcase to be safe. She danced around her room in a white button-up, tights, and black pencil skirt, grabbing seemingly random shit and tossing it in. "I really thought I had mentioned my conference earlier. And... I kinda forgot about it."

Kirishima sighed and ran a hand through his hair, watching frustratedly while Natsuki packed her bags, not being able to stop her. "It's no big deal, really," he lied, "I was just... really psyched about axe-throwing this weekend." He shifted, leaning up against the desk in her bedroom as he watched her prepare to leave for a medical conference for the long weekend, effectively ruining all of the fun plans they made.

Eyeing her full bag, Natsuki slid a finger down her paper checklist and double-checked that everything got packed. "I know, I was too, and I pinky promise we'll reschedule," Natsuki said, zipping her carry-on up and staring at her purse. "I will not bail on what might be the coolest date ever." Her eyes went wide, cursing her own tongue as soon as the words left her mouth. Stay focused, Natsu, she scolded herself. Her mouth betrayed her brain when she didn't stay focused. Natsuki angrily shoved some fuzzy socks into the empty spaces of her shoes and zipped up her suitcase.

Date? The Freudian slip didn't go unnoticed by Kirishima. He grinned and said, "I look forward to the rain check when you get back, then."

Natsuki's bell rang, signaling the arrival of her cab and not giving her any time to be embarrassed. She gave Kirishima a half-smile and wrapped him in a tight hug. "I'm sorry again, I don't mean to be the worst," she muttered into his shirt. His muscles were prominent even through his soft tee, and it took all Natsuki had to not run her fingers down over every sculpted curve, latching on and never letting go. Alternatively, she wondered if he could disappear from hero work for a few days and how difficult it would be to convince him to join her...


Kiri flushed and hugged her back. "You're the opposite of the worst, Nat," he murmured, resting his head against her hair.

Her heart fluttered at the nickname, stomach full of butterflies, still not used to the familiarity. The bell rang again and Natsuki pulled away. "I should get going," she frowned.

"I can help!" Kirishima said, trying not to sound too enthusiastic about forcing her into the cab... but he needed to call Kaminari and tell him about this exciting new development—she wanted to go on a date with him!—and get her away from the hardening in his pants.

They jogged to the elevator after Natsuki checked twice that she locked her door and turned off all of the lights in her place, Kirishima carrying her suitcase and Natsuki gripping her purse and carry-on.

She didn't want to leave. Not now. Not without him.

"Hey Kiri?" Natsuki said, half in the cab with the other patent leather heel firmly planted on the sidewalk, showing off one long leg cutting out from the slit in her pencil skirt. She willed herself to say something, to at least invite him along and see what would happen, but she chickened out at the last second. "I'm gonna miss you," she confessed, her cheeks brightening as he rounded the cab to say goodbye one last time.

After stowing her suitcase and carry-on in the trunk, Kirishima hummed in response to show he was listening, actively forcing himself not to stare at her exposed skin. He smiled softly and reached down, taking her hand in his. "I'm going to miss you too, Suki," Kirishima whispered, never taking his eyes off of her as he brushed a gentle kiss across her knuckles, electricity shimmering up her every nerve.

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