The beginning

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*10 years ago *
*loki's pov*
Odin said that a princess was coming to stay with us for a little while because she was going to have an arranged marriage with thor.
I was headed down The Corridor to go meet Odin and Thor and the princess . I arrived just in time to see her carriage pull up to the castle doors . Me and Thor where in awe as the girl stepped out of the carriage she was beautiful. She walked up to me and Thor and asked us our names we introduced ourselves. She then replied with "so your the one I'm bound to marry." lookin at Thor with a strange look on her face. I could not help but laugh at this statement. She then looked at me and smiled the softest smile I had ever seen and said "me and you will be great friends and get along nicely." I then proceeded to ask what she wanted to do for fun and she said "I like to read." I could not help but smile and grab her hand and lead her to the Library. When we walked through the doors her face instantly lit up and she had a Beautiful smile come across her face that could make anyone instantly happy. I asked her what books she is interested in and she said "all" so we started reading a few. As we set across from one another reading our books every once in a while when I glanced over the top of my book she would be looking at me over hers. I don't know why but it made me so happy that she was happy and all I wanted to do was make her smile.

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