A year later

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*Loki's pov*
Since Y/N has been around for a year now I feel like me and her are meant to be more than just friends but she is my best friend I don't know how to tell her I am in love with her. I know I have to before she leaves in a few months to go back to her parents. I know she's meant to be married off to Thor but she doesn't even like him let alone love him I know I'm not the best Choice for her but I'm in love and I don't know how to tell her and hopefully she'll feel the same about me.
I was talking to Y/N about going to To walk in the garden later so we can talk and she agreed to meet me after everyone had gone to bed so we would not be disturbed an can talk privately. So now all I must do is wait 3 hours till midnight.
*3 hours later*
I was already waiting outside in the garden for Y/N. She walked through the gate and was so beautiful as the Moon light lit up her face and made her beautiful eyes sparkle she had a beautiful smile come across her face. I could not help but smile my self and Think of how beautiful she is. She asked me why I wanted to speak to her alone away from everyone and I simply said I'm in love with you I have been since I laid eyes on you when I met you a year ago and you had a beautiful smile come across your face for the first time that I seen I could not help but fall for you. She said with no hesitation I love you too. I told her we may be young but I plan on marrying her. She said what about Thor me and him are supposed to be married not me and you. I could not help but get sad at the thought of her ever marrying him instead of me so I simply told her I will take care of it I will get everything fixed as long as she marries me and no one else. She agreed and then we both went to bed.
*10 years later*
After that night I often think back to what I've said and what she said I still love her to this day and if it wasn't for my father I would  marry her but Thor being Odin's favorite and everyone's favorite he always gets what he wants he does not love her like I do he just wants her because I do I have talked to Odin about her marrying me but he will not hear of such things neither will Thor I want to marry her and be with her the rest of my life I wanna have a family and grow old with her but that doesn't seem like it will happen. We've barely seen each other since that night because her parents have kept her busy with her studies and Thor has kept her busy away from me but we still see each other at least once a month we sneak away from everyone and everything and talk and catch up she does not love him I believe that with all my heart she does not wish to marry him she has told me those words her self so I do not understand why it's so hard for me and her to be together she doesn't want to be with him I do not want her with Thor but yet she is to marry him next week and I do not know what to do.

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