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"From then on, I started following you," he continued.

"Someone said he is not stalker."

"I am not."

"Everything was well until you terrified me to death one day. One patient was rushing around the hospital with a can of kerosene and a matchbox in his hand, ready to pour it on the patients. You stood there like an idiot, trying to make him understand, while he spilled the entire can of kerosene on you while lighting the matchbox. And with no time to waste, I began sprinting to outrun him. I rushed after you and stood behind you from a distance."

"Even I am scared to hell." She popped out.

"I came to a halt, since you were trying so hard, I want to trust you just once; even if he tosses the match stick, I'll still be able to save you. But he hugged you instead of throwing the match stick.I relaxed for a bit. Even I trusted you, I still have that fear enrooted inside me."

"Want me to share a secret?"


"I hypnotized him."


"What? I am the only child to my mom, do you want her to live alone for the rest of her life."

"Seriously, you are unbelievable."

"I don't want to take chance. Thanks to god, he reverted to his previous state. He became that way when his mother went to the market, while he was a child locking him in the house and putting on the television. Accidentally he pressed the remote while watching the cartoon, and the channel switched to a horror channel. He was horrified and started crying loudly to open the door. His birth was a mistake and his dad left them after knowing about the matter, so no one to take care of him. I still couldn't sort out what he had seen on the screen but probably a burning dead body, and that became a dead spot in his brain." she articulated.

"It's good he was cured. All thanks to you "he replied.

"Don't escape. Continue the answer," she warned.

He was annoyed and replied "One day you didn't go home due to more patients. It's already past 11 and you were waiting for taxi. I don't know what to do with you. Be grateful that I booked a taxi for you earlier."

"Huh? Aren't you boasting yourself too much? What are you doing at 11 p.m, don't you have a company to run?"

"Actually, that day I am fully prepared sitting in the back seat to say you about everything. But you hesitated to sit in the taxi knowing someone was already there in the back seat.For you, I even got down from the back seat and sat on the front seat to make you feel ease." He confessed

Is it the time that I should say "You are such a gentleman.?" She teased.

"Shut up. I just thought it's not the right time to confess everything, so I maintained silence. We arrived at your colony and got down started walking alone to your house, I don't want to take the risk, so I followed you from a very long distance."

"If you have booked the taxi prior. Why don't you pay him extra to drop me at my home. Such a misery guy."

"Don't you remember?"


You said you want to get down at the junction and even the driver asked that he would drop you at your home but you straightaway refused. Scatter brained!

"Mind your language, mister."

"Fine! A group of three inebriated men smoking on the way to your house at the last right turn. You tried to cross them silently but one of them flung the cigarette pack on you and demanded you to pick it up. You ignored them and walked, but a guy tried to bully you. I started running to teach them a lesson, but I stopped. When he laid his hand on your shoulder, you just pushed him to your front, and within seconds he kissed the ground, I don't know what happened. But I am sure that he won't wake up till morning., the other two came to throw their hands on you.

So. How do I Iook?Do I look cool?

Geez.I am happy that you are not exhibiting your martial art skills on your patients. Or else that brain is hard to cope up with.

She playfully kicked his knees for teasing her.

"I am eating."

"How much time do you need to eat the left out food .Wash the plates."

After washing the dishes and tidying the kitchen, he walked to her saying

"You looked so cool classy. To be honest I portrayed you as superwoman in marvel."

After seeing her asleep, he nagged "what I said before, I'll take back.

This is weird. You will ask for the answer, and when I began to speak, it becomes a lullaby to you." He lifts her to the bed and cover her with the blanket.

The third day began with the blanket encasing her body like an oblac, her eyelids are sticking like glue, hair was a whole mess and she refusing to get up.

Suddenly a scream vibrated her eardrums, "it's already 10 a.m., get up. Is Sunday a breakfast skipping day in your timetable?".

she shouted, "I'll be there in 5 mins." sleep talking she just want to sleep for some more time, but her stomach is already growling.

She came out and ate her breakfast. They chatted for some time and he stood up to apply the ointment on her hand. She started saying that it was completely healed and no need of applying again and again also it's just mildly heated water.

And he didn't listen, forced her hands to let him apply the ointment. Meanwhile they dropped the ointment and he stared at her with a scary look. As he stooped down to take the gel, she noticed something strange on his shoulder under the shirt.

She was lifting his shirt on his shoulder to check.

He immediately stood up and stepped back by saying "it's nothing, a small injury from my childhood. Nothing to see."

But she insisted on seeing the scar on his shoulder. Both are squabbling with each other playing around.

Suddenly the secretary opened the door, and after seeing them close to each other, he bowed and apologized, "Sorry, it seems like I entered the wrong house." He immediately turned back to walk out of the house, thinking it was the correct house, so he checked the keys. He turned back shifting his gaze on to them.

"Why didn't you call me before you are coming?" Dev asked.

"So that you can keep this as a secret?" the secretary outraged.

Dev downed his head in guilt for not saying this matter to him.

"Are you living together? Or she is here for temporary?" the secretary questioned.

Both at the same time,

"Yes, we are living together," he answered. "I am here for temporary," she replied.

The secretary stared at both of them and questioned "from when onwards?" with a serious look.

"From 3 days" she replied.

"Three days, uh?" he shouted.

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