Got my back!

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He picked his phone and said "Hello, is this Gowd's home landline, yeah can you pass over to Dev's aunt. Whoever I am, its unnecessary to you. I have a big news to say to your owner."

"Paul, calm down, we can talk. Paul please."

"Do you want me to hypnotize him for some time?" she offered help.

"Just Shut up."

"Okay! 2% extra pay every month." Dev started trying to make a deal with his secretary to cooperate.

"2% extra pay plus bonus." secretary negotiated.

"You are being unreasonable now." Dev sulked.

"Am I? I am working so hard to cover up your things and you were doing this here. Do you think it's the right thing to do. You are being so unrightful now boss." Paul defended himself.

"Okay! okay fine, 2% pay plus bonus. Enough?" Dev compromised and asked the secretary to cut the call.

Dev started explaining everything to the secretary as he still wanted to know everything about what happened. After listening to Dev's story explanation secretary calmed down.

The three had lunch together, Dev started working on the incomplete files along with his secretary, while she started reading the book. The day slowly passed, they had supper at the night.

Seeing them working all day long she moaned "don't you need rest; you both had been working like a machine since afternoon. It's okay to develop your company, but still health is the first priority. Please take some rest. Should I make you some coffee?".

"Two cubes of sugar, and for him one cube. And thank you so much." he exaggerated.

"Okay," she answered in a sympathizing tone.

She gave them the coffee. By watching T.V she slowly fell asleep. After they finished their work as always, he lifted her and carried to the bed in his arms.

The fourth day started, not like every day, she woke up because of the alarm set up by him. She got ready for the clinic, and came out of her room, searched for him but couldn't find him. She headed to the kitchen and saw a paper piece sticked on the fridge. "I have some important work in the office, breakfast is ready on the table. Eat it, take a cab and reach safely. Have a great day. And please don't get hurt." written on the paper.

"Am I your daughter or what?" she grinned.

She was packing everything in her bag and came to know that he left his phone on the table. She decided to go to his office and hand over the phone. She took a cab she reached his office. She stopped at the reception and asked the receptionist to contact him and hand over the phone to him. The officer called him and he ordered the receptionist to let her wait in his cabin and asked her not to say any details about him or his position, and only say that his office was only on the 17th floor.

"Mam, sir asked you to wait in his cabin. This is not his company; his company is on the 17th floor. Take the lift and straight right was his cabin." Officer replied.

"Thank you" she replied and headed to his cabin.

She entered the cabin and she inspected everything in his cabin. She went to his chair and looked around. she was over-excited to be in his cabin, laying her hands on everything she sees, suddenly it moved the mouse and the screen appeared.

She observed them and it seemed a little bit familiar to her eyes, then she noticed that screen is displaying her clinic and got to know that her clinic was surrounded by CC cameras at every possible place. She checked once again everything and realized that he has been keeping an eye on her for several days. She was angrily waiting for him to ask for an explanation. He was so excited to see her in his cabin. As soon as he entered the cabin, he saw her sitting in his chair, and he shouted in enthusiasm "how was my office? Does it look good?". She maintained silence.

He realized that she had seen the cc cameras on his desktop. And she walked fuming towards him, and he was shouting, "no wait, it's not what you think."

She started pinching his ear, and loudly asked "I know you were following me for several days, say what you want? I will file a complaint against you. You were stalking me, right? wait, I'll call the police."

"No, wait! You were misunderstanding," he answered innocently.

"Then what's the matter, I caught you red-handed. And you still have the guts to search for excuses. "She shouted.

"Who certified you as a psychologist? That man might be out of his mind. You can't even distinguish between right and wrong." he nagged.

She started dialing to police. He was trying to stop her, but he can't.

she said, "hello, police station!".

He shouted, "I just thought keeping cc in your clinic can help me to reach you whenever bad things happen to you, and I can reach you in less time."

"If you keep doing this, how will your company raise? are you coming to the company to guard my clinic, or to work? Why don't you quit your company and join as a watchman for my clinic? Delete them first." she shouted but she never complained of watching her.

Suddenly the secretary broke down into his cabin watching her holding his ear, he was astonished.

"what's the matter?" he questioned.

"Aah, the meeting is going to start in 5 mins." the secretary grumbled.

Both looked at her, and she replied "there are still five minutes, answer me and delete those photos and cut the connection."

"Well, I can delete those only If you allow me, please leave my ear and cut the call." he replied.

She left his ear saying she didn't call. He deleted the whole footage, and disrupted the connection.

"Boss, make it fast." the secretary shouted slowly.

He asked her to go to the clinic.

"This is not over. We are going to talk about this at night," she shouted.

He sighed okay with his hands while running.

She reached her clinic and watched at the cameras, her heart was fluttering, eyes were sparkling like lights and she was smiling like an idiot, feeling happy because someone has got her back.

The day ended and at night both gathered at home. he was fully prepared about what to say when she asks about the morning incident. On the other hand, he was afraid too.

But she said, "I'm hungry, and I am so tired."

He prepared the dishes for dinner, and they ate. He is preparing to explain everything, but she said she wanted to sleep. 

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