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It had just become twilight when the creatures of the night emerged from their homes to mimic those who came before them. One looked up as orange hues bled into purple then black ones as the night quickly arrived. He said nothing as he then walked on, his eyes wandering as others surrounded him, ignoring his presence due to their minds being preoccupied with their own thoughts. "Another night..." These words came as a whisper to no one but himself, and he gave a small smile, "I'm thirsty..."

It didn't take long for him to find a target of which to indulge, and he held her tightly to himself, his mouth latched onto her neck. She soon grew limp in his arms, her eyes closed as if in restful sleep. His fangs retracted from her flesh and his eyes glowed a bright red, her blood decorating his thin lips, "I give my gratitude for this meal, my lady."

"Nikolai, you've overdone it again. I swear, drinking from just any human is going to end up with you killing someone." A familiar voice came from behind him and his eyes narrowed, his brows furrowing in displeasure.

"Why should it matter to me? Is this not their purpose?" Said man turned behind him, licking away the girl's blood from his lips, "You are disturbing me. What do you want?" He placed her body against the brick wall of the dark alleyway, and he crossed his arms.

"I'm aware that you don't like humans, but sometimes you're just too cruel. Some say that blood, when it's given consensually, tastes best." The other spoke with a sigh, "Anyway, since you're finished, you can come with me to the meeting, or did you forget that it was today?" He smirked, much to Nikolai's annoyance.

"Fine." He walked past him, "I swear, Gavyn, you only exist to be a thorn in my side." His eyes returned to their normal color as he spoke, looking at him, "You came here yourself, instead of asking someone else. That only proves my point."

Him saying this made Gayvn chuckle and shake his head, "You're in a bad mood already, and yet the night has barely even begun."

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