Hey don't do that

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"Hey, no you don't do that. Please let that be, it makes everything more complicated believe me you don't want that.''

"Listen to Chris it's not a bad thing, after all, you have nothing to hide from us, right?"


Then Paige turned to her sisters.

''You see Chris would never have admitted that so it must have worked.''

Phoebe was still a bit skeptical about the matter, but she also wanted to know something, also about the dark future that Chris had told them about again and again. He had only ever mentioned how terrible it was there, nothing more.

So she decided to get the crystals. Chris shook his head and just tried to convince Piper that it was and full-time wrong. So the young man did not even notice how they put the crystals around him.

"Listen to me, you don't want to know. Just trust me for one time. This is a mistake, everything I have to tell could have future ones. Do you want that?''

"No, of course not, but we at least want to know what exactly happened to Wyatt and who you are."' said the middle sister. From now on, Piper asked most of the questions.

''So your name is Chris?''

''Yes, actually Christopher.''

''How old are you?''


"You told us you were 22," Phoebe interjected.

All three witches looked at him confused and skeptical. Until Chris answers.

"You would have believed me even less or not even listened to me if you had known."

He was right in what he said, all three women knew that. They hardly listened to him now and they didn't really trust him either. And Chris knew that if he had been with them that he was only 18, it would have made everything more difficult for him.

''Is your family still alive in your future?''

Piper got a little closer to Paige and whispered something to her.

"Paige has to be that? I don't think it's such a good question.''

"I just want to know who he is."

''Not many.''

''What does that mean?'' Paige hooked after that started to get interesting. But in retrospect, she felt sorry when she saw the pain in his eyes.

"I had 3 aunts, 6 cousins and two siblings. My aunts are dead, and so are two of my cousins.''

"What about your parents?" Piper couldn't help but ask that, she saw that it burdened Chris but they had to know where he knew Wyatt and why Chris never told anything. But before they got an answer to the question, Chris tried to say something else.

"Okey, can we stop here, what's the point of knowing something about me. You don't want Wyatt to be evil then you'd rather take care of it than keep asking me questions.''

A few seconds later, the Halliwells received an answer.

"My father has never been there for me, he just disappeared. And mine, my mother she died when I turned 14.''
Chris fought against the coming tears and tried to stay strong but it also hurt him terribly.

"Okay change topic. So you know us in the future?''

"Where from?"

The Young Guardian of Light tried to change his answers despite the concrete questions. They were not lying, but they did not correspond to the truth.


''Were you friends?''

"Until he decided to switch sides."

They gave Chris some time and decided to go down during it.

Piper took care of her son, Paige watched TV and Phobia read something. A good two hours later, they decided to ask Chris a few more questions and then let him go.

"Hi Chris, we just want to know a few little things. So you and Wyatt were good friends?''

"We were like brothers."

Pheobe noticed how he was getting more and more nervous and asked him the crucial question. She didn't realize she would be right, but at that moment everything spoke for it.

''What's your last name?''
Groaning, he replied to her, she also had to ask something like that, which would destroy everything.


"What, are you related to us or how?" Paige couldn't believe what she heard. Their guardian of light was a Halliwell. But this time they only got a nod from him. The next question would answer them everything.

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