What is your parents' name Chris?

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Pheobe had already had such a guess for some questions after all, Chris could no longer hide his feelings and emotions from her. Paige and Piper looked at him from the side still very stunned and had both opened their mouths unable to say anything. While the two were still not moving, Pheobe thought about what to ask him next. It was this one crucial question that would change everything. Nevertheless, she just couldn't resist it and smiled slightly at the young man. Chris switched on lightning fast, he knew exactly what she wanted to ask him for a strange reason and then he quickly shook his head, causing his slightly longer hair to swing back and forth as well.

"Pheobe doesn't come up with stupid thoughts."

Now the other two women were also moving and Piper stood right next to Phoebe and looked at her questioningly.

"What does he mean?" she whispered quietly in her ear.

Instead of answering Piper, she just pointed to Chris and started talking.

''What is your parents' name Chris?''

Chris's eyes sparkled angrily in Pheobe's direction. Convulsively, he pressed his lips on each other to refuse at least this one answer.

"Chris?" she looked at him expectantly and put her head aside to show him that she was expecting an answer.

"What exactly do you expect to hear from me?"

Laughing, Paige replied this time. "How about your parents' names?"

Eventually, he couldn't hold back the answer and slowly lowered his head. So that he didn't have to look anyone in the eye when everyone was staring at him.

"Leo and Piper."

Suddenly, he heard Paige pull in the air. Chris then looked up again to see how horrified she looked at Piper. Which was also in a state of shock and looked in his direction with glassy eyes. Pheobe, on the other hand, was not particularly surprised by his confession and smiled sincerely at him. He would have liked to know what was going on in his "mother's" head. But on the other hand, it scared him damn much to stay in this uncertainty.

However, the shocked mother had just dropped on the couch and was now staring at any wall instead of Chris. She still had this echo in her head

"Chris who are your parents?" "Leo and Piper."

She was thinking about her ex-husband and how to tell him that they still had a son in the future. And then she looked in his direction again to notice how disappointed and sad he looked. And how much injustice she had accused him of in recent weeks . Slowly she got up and wanted to walk towards her newfound son when a blue light appeared in the attic.

"Leo? What are you doing here?" asked Piper in a slight panic

"I wanted to see how you were doing."

Then Pheobe stepped in when she realized how uncomfortable everyone felt, especially Chris and Piper.

"Hay Leo you can come along, I think something has broken down below, maybe you can fix it."

Pheobe quickly took him by the hand and ran with him towards the door. Shortly before they went out, the middle of the sisters turned again in Piper's direction from which she received a silent thank you. Then Piper and her youngest sister turned back to Chris. He looked at the ground and bobbed his feet back and forth.



"Why did you never say anything?"

The three sisters had never seen their neurotic guardian of light like this. He was so reserved and shy that they almost thought they wouldn't recognize him again. But Piper had a guilty conscience and at least wanted to sincerely apologize and try to meet her newfound son.


"Listen to Piper I'm really sorry but what do you think I should have said. Hi I'm Christopher Perry Halliwell your son from the future that you have with your ex-husband. I'm Wyatt's little brother and I want to help him. Do you honestly think it would have been easier?"

In the meantime, Paige had stood by the Book of Shadows and pretended that she was not there at all. She wanted to be there for her sister but also not disturb. And Piper was completely shocked after Chris talked and a bit pushed that he still called her Piper. She knew he was right, but then she would never have treated him that way and he had to know that. She had to tell him.

"Maybe Chris, if I had known that, I would never have treated you like that. I, Chris, I'm so incredibly sorry. I treated you as if you were our enemy, even though you just wanted to help."

Instead of saying anything else, Piper just walked up to him and wrapped her arms around Chris. At first he was irritated but then he did the same with her. Piper slipped a few tears down her cheeks. And when the two separated again, she took a few steps back to give him the distance he obviously still needed. Again, Chris looked down, even when he started saying something.

"I could have said something. I'm sorry Mom."

Piper couldn't help but wipe the tears from her face and laugh. At least for a few seconds, the two were interrupted when two other people appeared in the room.

"Mom? What does that mean?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2022 ⏰

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