6th Chaos

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Caym still sat on the sofa, it still wasn't dark outside, so he couldn't go and he was still bored. Heavily he sighed. Watching TV wasn't fun anymore. Was there really nothing else in here that could draw his attention?

He could scare these little fish in the aquarium, but that wouldn't hold on for long. They were hiding like before. Books from the bookshelf were not interesting for him, he didn't like books, no matter what was written inside. Caym liked the real world. Real humans, real killing, real blood drinking. Books were just not real enough for him.

He wasn't really hungry yet, but soon he would like to feed again. Maybe there was some alcohol, or other nice drinks here somewhere?

Caym stood up and walked to the fridge. Inside he found a bottle with beer, some wodka and an open orange juice. Time for some fine wodka orange, he thought and filled a tall glass with half of wodka and the rest with orange juice.

The vampire liked to drink alcohol every now and then, even when this probably was more often than most people did, but it wasn't every single day. He wasn't an alcohol addict but nearly a real hard drinker. One who is used to a lot of alcohol and doesn't get very drunk very fast. Not that the alcohol could do him any harm. He just enjoyed the taste and the feeling of being a little drunk.

While he drank his wodka orange, which was with way too much wodka for a wodka orange, of course, he tried to continue watching TV and eating potato chips, but there wasn't any interesting show for him at this time. It was just too early. Caym sighed again and switched off the TV. He threw the romote controll on the floor and stood up to get more wodka orange. He felt the alcohol a tiny bit already and it felt good, but he wanted more.

After he refilled his glass, he entered the room next to the kitchen and found a kids room.
Hmmm... His eyes lit up and he looked at all the various things in the room.
A colorful carpet, yellow, orange and light green curtains around the windows, a big wooden closet with clothes and plushies, toys and other things. A bookshelf was on the left wall with lots of books and some decoration like candels and plants. On the left stood a kids bed with red bed sheets, black pillows and a white teddy bear. The kid probably was around 10 to 13 years old and still seemed to love stuffed animals. Caym smiled.

He picked up a plushie from the open  closet and threw it through the room. Then he took another one and tried to throw it at the other. He missed. With the next one he hit the floor.

Afterwards he went to the bookshelf and threw all the books on the floor with just one move of his hand. He smiled at the loud noise. He didn't like books. Caym left the plants and other decoration alone, though.
When he went to the bed, he made it messy and threw the pillows around. Next, he fully opened up the closet and picked all the clothes and toyes out and purred them on the floor in the whole room.

What a nice chaos, he thought. He liked chaos. Order was boring. Chaos was fun.
He left to go to the livingroom again.

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