Chapter 1

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"There was another rebel attack on the royal palace today, just a few hours ago. The royals and their guests were in the dining hall when this happened at exactly 2:30 PM. The rebels attacked the eastern wing, where the dining hall is. But fortunately, it was just a small attack and no one was hurt. A few bricks were thrown at the windows but no guns were used. The rebels fled when they saw the guards..."

Percy sighed and switched off the television. Another attack. These attacks are the signs of something big. Very big. And it is very very close. The Prince ran a hand through his hair as he plopped down on his bed.

He looked towards the window through which he could see the sun setting over L.A.

A beautiful sight really. But Percy couldn't bring himself to admire it. With the weight of the kingdom on his shoulder, one could rarely enjoy the mesmerizing creations of Nature.

There was a light knock on his door and a soft voice called out to him.


The voice instantly brought a smile on his face, despite everything.

"Come in!"

He yelled tired but slightly cheerful. Percy heard the doors to his chambers open and close. After a seconds the curtains of his bedroom was pushed aside by a tall, blonde girl in an uniform of the Palace maids.

She was carrying a tray of what looked like crackers, blue cookies, ham burgers and cola. The Prince smiled at his best friend as she placed the tray on his bedside table.

"Hey." Percy said sitting up on his bed.

"Hi." Annabeth replied sitting down next to him. "How're you holding up?"

"The usual" was his reply with a sigh.

His eyes fell on the maids arms. Something white was peeking out from her sleeve. Annabeth saw him looking and quickly pulled her sleeve down to cover up the bandage. But Percy had already seen it.

"What happened?!" He asked, taking her arm and pushing up the sleeve to reveal a bloody bandage.

Annabeth sighed. With the responsibilities of the kingdom already on his shoulders, the last thing Annabeth wanted Percy to do, was worry about a little cut she got.

"I'm fine. Its just- when the first brick flew in, I was right near the window it came through and a piece of glass got me on the arm. Its nothing big, really." She said.

Her friend did not look very happy about it. He was closely inspecting the bandages.

"They are not really well done." He murmured.

Annabeth smiled and said softly, "What do you expect? They'll treat a maid well?"

Percy's scowl deepened. He got up and reached into his drawer to bring out a first aid kit, buried deep under documents and folders. He redid the bandages gazing intently at the girl's arm.

After finishing he put away the kit and pulled her into a hug.

Don't blush! She thought furiously to herself. But when they pulled apart, their cheeks were slightly tinted.

"I brought you some snacks", Annabeth said gesturing to the tray she brought. "You didn't really have a good lunch."

Percy grinned and reached out for a cookie and scorfed it down in a very un-princely manner. He offered some to Annabeth and together they finished the snacks in no time.

"So what are you planning to do now?" She asked.

"About what?" Percy asked innocently but caved in when he received the look from his friend. "I don't know. Increase the security, try to find the rebel base, be alert. What else can we do, really?"

Everything Is Fair in Love and War percabethWhere stories live. Discover now