Chapter 3

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Annabeth went down the familiar corridors leading to the Makeup Room. She'd been there many times. To help the stylists not to get styled herself! But how much could it differ really? Very much.

She had been told that she had to wear a white collared shirt and black pants. That was what all Selected were supposed to wear before their makeover.

Annabeth wore the same. The shirt was one of her elder brother, Malcolm's old ones, three sizes bigger than her. Her pants were a pair of old back leggings, which once belonged to her dead mother. There was a small hole behind the knees but no one was likely to notice it.

As Annabeth was about to enter the Beauty Room, someone punched past her.

"Hey!" Annabeth protested as she was pushed to the door. The person, a girl, a very attractive girl with midnight black hair and milk white skin looked back at her and sneered.

Drew Tanaka. Annabeth recalled. She'd seen her picture on the Report the day before yesterday, when Percy was announcing the Selected girls.

Drew was wearing tight black jeans and a white collared button down. The shirt was a size too small for her and made her breasts pop up in an extremely vulgar manner. The Royal Etiquettes teacher would disapprove.

"Don't you dare talk to me, you filth!" Tanaka spat before turning on her heels and marching away.

Annabeth scowled and glared at her retreating back. This girl must be a Two.

"Lady Annabeth?" A voice called out breaking her out of her thoughts.

Her head snapped towards the voice. Never in her 24 years of life, had she been addressed as 'Lady'.

She saw a woman in a Palace Maids' uniform, curtseying to her.

"Sarah!" Annabeth exclaimed. "From when did you start calling me Lady Annabeth?"

"Since you became a Selected." Sarah relied dropping her voice as well as her formalities. "Now follow me. David is giving you your make over."

"Oh thank Gods." David Kent was one of the few stylists who did not like to cake your face with makeup. He kind of believed in natural beauty.

"Well hello there Lady Annabeth." David teased as they reached her beauty station.

"How are you this fine morning?" David said using his rehearsed lines.

Annabeth rolled her eyes and replied with, "Oh shut up."

The stylist smiled at her before gesturing her to the bathroom.

Well what happened next was complete torture.

Annabeth was scrubbed from head to toe extremely fiercely in the shower. Her hair was shampooed and conditioned. After that her nails were manicured and painted a light peach. After getting her eyebrows done, every inch of her body was waxed, even her neck. Then she was smothered in lotions smelling like chocolates. (They were actually going to use vanilla, claiming it was Percy's favorite flavor. But they switched when Annabeth corrected them.)

"We don't do all this when we're getting someone ready for the Report!" Annabeth said once she was wrapped in a robe, hair being blow dried, sitting in front of the mirror.

"Well, we work on nobles who don't have hairy bodies and an inch of dirt covering their skin." Alice replied, switching off the blow drier.

"So. Annabeth." David said. "Which look are you going for? Cute, gorgeous, beautiful, sexy? I'd suggest natural."

Everything Is Fair in Love and War percabethWhere stories live. Discover now