Chapter 8

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You stared in awe at the apartment in front of you. The place was huge! Of course you expected it but it still surprised you. Your own apartment could probably fit in there several times. 

"Y/N?" Namjoon called, waving a hand in front of your face to get your attention. "Helloooo?" 

"Is that a fucking chandelier?!" You blurted out. 

"Oh, yeah, it is!" Namjoon said not really excited about it but matched your energy as he always does. 

"Oh, where did the others go?" You asked, breaking out of your trance, to notice only you and namjoon remained in the living room. The others seemed to have wandered off somewhere. 

"They are probably picking their rooms." Namjoon answered. 

'That's right; it's their first time here as well.' You thought. 

"You should probably go too before they snatch the better rooms," you laughed, pointing towards a hallway you assume where the rooms were located. 

"Right!" Namjoon said and started walking away before turning back towards you. 

"I'll be fine on my own for a few minutes, Joon!" You assured the boy before he could say a word. He nodded and left down the hallway. 

You walked over to the couch and let yourself fall into it. You sighed and closed your eyes, letting yourself relax. It was a long day. 

'It probably hit the internet already…' you thought referring to the boy's arrival at the airport. 

You sat up while taking out your phone and opened Twitter. As you expected, Jimin's name was indeed trending. 

Against your better judgment, you clicked on his name and started reading people's tweets. There were several positive ones saying they were happy for Jimin and complimenting you which you smiled at but your smile dropped when you came across the ones who weren't exactly thrilled and made their disdain for you quite clear. 

You immediately started to regret this whole thing. Of course, you knew this was going to happen, but you couldn't help but think about how the reaction would be if they knew the truth? 

Especially after you and Jimin 'break up' it would make it seem like you left him for another member, and that wouldn't be good. 

Bang-PD didn't know about your relationship when he suggested this plan, but you did, so why did you agree? 

'Even if you didn't agree, people would still assume you were dating Jimin from the photo, so the outcome would still be the same regardless,' You thought. 

You started to wish the boys minded their business, but then you and Hoseok would still be oblivious about your feelings, which would have been worse. 

Your mind was racing with intrusive thoughts that you didn't even notice Jungkook walking into the living room to sit next to you.

"Y/N?" He spoke, startlingly you out of your thoughts. 

"Huh?  Oh hi kookie," you greeted the younger male. 

"You okay?" He asked worriedly. 

"Y-Yea, just tired, it's been a long day with work and everything." You said, forcing a smile. It wasn't exactly a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth. 

Jungkook raised an eyebrow as if he didn't believe you but nodded his head. Silence washed over the two of you as both of you waited for the rest to come back. 

Jungkook noticed your phone on your lap and smiled as he pulled his own out. 

"Wanna play Genshin Impact?!" He asked excitedly. 

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