chapter 6

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After a while, you finally arrived at the airport. You gave the driver the money and got out of the car. As always the airport was crowded but it was even more crowded than usual but you knew why. 

You looked around to see if the person Namjoon was talking about was nearby but didn’t see anyone that looked like a bodyguard or manager. Just when you were about to pull out your phone to call him, someone grabbed your arm and started pulling you somewhere. 

You started screaming thinking someone was kidnapping you but stopped when you realize who it was. 


Standing in front of you was a tall light brown-haired man. You immediately recognized him as Lee Donghyuck another childhood friend from your hometown. You weren’t as close with him as you were with Namjoon since he was younger but you still counted him as a friend. The one thing you regretted about following Namjoon to Seoul was leaving him alone especially the way his family was. 

“Hey (Name)” He said giving you a small smile. You refused to be called noona when you were younger so you allowed him to drop the honorifics.

You wanted to hug him but refrained not wanting any more rumors to follow the boys. 

“What are you doing here?!’ You asked. 

“I work for BigHit,” He said showing the ID around his neck. “I just do occasional errands and what not but it’s a job.”

“So basically you’re an assistant.” You said mockingly. 

“You haven’t changed a bit (Name).” He said smiling. 

“You definitely have!” You said looking him over. He was no longer the chubby-cheeked 10 year old you left back home not only that but he no longer looked depressed.  “You seem happier! Did you fix things with your family.”

Donghyuck's smile faded as he looked away from you. 

“N-No not really…” He answered quietly.

You mentally kicked yourself for bringing up bad memories. 

“I’m sorry I probably shouldn’t have brought that up..” 

“It’s fine,” He said looking back at you. “They’re not my problem anymore so…”

You still felt really bad but you decided to change the subject.

“Why did you drag me over here?” You asked looking around. 

Donghyuck had dragged you to an area away from the crowd.

“Ah right,” He said just remembering that he was working. “I’m here to brief you on what you have to do.”

You nodded and listened to what he had to say.


Meanwhile, The boys were waiting in the waiting room for the okay for them to leave. Jimin was pacing back and forth making the other members dizzy from watching him. 

“Hyung, you should sit down,” Jungkook suggested finally having enough.

“I can’t!” Jimin refused still pacing. “What are they going to make her do?”

The other boys sighed finally knowing the reason why Jimin was so nervous.  Namjoon was told to call you here but they weren’t informed what they were having you do exactly.  Hugging would be okay since you hugged them all the time but what if they told you to kiss him?

That would be awkward as hell and even more importantly he’d feel absolutely horrible kissing you in front of Hoseok, your actual boyfriend. 

Jimin stopped pacing and looked over at the aforementioned man. 

Except for when Namjoon had called you earlier he had been quiet ever since they landed. Hoseok noticed Jimin’s eyes on him and looked up. 

“Hyung I-“ Jimin started but was cut off by one of their managers. 

“Alright, boys it’s time to head out.” They said looking between the boys completely oblivious to the slight tension in the room.

“We’ll be out soon,” Namjoon told the manager. 

The manager nodded and walked out of the room. Being the leader Namjoon decided to quell the tension. 

He walked over and stood between Hoseok and Jimin. 

“Look I know you aren’t exactly thrilled with this situation, none of us are, but we have no choice but to go through it.” He said speaking to Hoseok first. “It's not real. (Name) is dating you not Jimin this is just for the media. Jimin also doesn't like her like that right?” 

“Of course not! My feelings for her are strictly platonic!” Jimin answered with no hesitation.

“See? And it's the same for (Name) I’m sure.” Namjoon said reassuringly.

You had already said the same thing the night this all started and it was sad that Hoseok had to hear it again from someone else. He was being stupid getting Jealous for no reason. He knew this wasn't real so why was he getting a bad feeling about this?

“Let’s just smile and try our best to pretend we are happy for the ‘couple' so the fans don't worry that something is wrong okay?” 

Everyone nodded agreeing with him. Satisfied, Namjoon scurried off to tell the manager they were ready.

After Namjoon left, Hoseok looked at Jimin who was still clearly nervous and guilty about this whole thing. 

Hoseok sighed. 

No point in being upset simply over a bad feeling’ he thought

He stood up and walked over to Jimin. 

“I’m sorry about the way I’ve been acting. “He apologized. “As you know I like (Name) a lot and I let Jealousy control me.”

“No need to apologize hyung,” Jimin said shaking his head. “I completely understand. I’m the one that should apologize. The only thing that was on my mind was getting you to confess to (Name)-noona that I completely forgot my surroundings and got us into this mess. I am so sorry.” 

“Yes what you did was stupid but it's done and we are together because of you. Thank you” Hoseok said giving Jimin a smile. 

“And me!”Jungkook interjected after quietly listening nearby. “Don't forget this was my plan to begin with.”

“And Jungkook, ”Hoseok added satisfying the Maknae. “Lets just put all this behind us and get this over with shall we?”

Hoseok held up his hand waiting for Jimin to take it. 

Jimin hesitated for a second but held out his hand as well. Hoseok grabbed it and pulled Jimin close giving him a bro hug. 

Namjoon came back right as they pulled apart.

“Everything okay now?”

Hoseok nodded. 

“Yea! Let's go!” He said loudly leading the way out of the waiting room. 

The rest of the members smiled seeing him act like himself. 

Jimin still felt guilty but tried his best not to show it anymore and focus on his task. 

Hehe Hi! First I would like to apologize for not updating this fic in a year. I've had this chapter written but for this story, I like to write at least 2 or more chapters ahead before posting which I tried to do but life and writer's block got in the way. I'm back now and going to try to update my stories more.

Now I'm not saying there will be an update every day or even weekly but ill try to not make it a year again. I'm already working on the next chapter so hopefully, it will be finished soon.

In the meantime please check out my other fics if you have the time! Thank you for being patient with me and sticking around it means a lot to me 🥰

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