Chapter 5

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(When unsure about the memes 😂)

Hye-Rin Sat and listened while you told her everything. She let you explain completely without interruption only nodding her head every so often to show she was still listening.

"So, You're telling me that you are friends with this idol group and somehow someone snapped a photo of one of them being a little too friendly towards you and uploaded to the net causing a frenzy forcing you two to confirm your relationship?" Hye-Rin repeated back to you after you were finished.

There was a moment of silence before a roar of laughter filled the room.

"What's so funny?!" You asked the cackling girl in front of you.

Hye-Rin took the time to calm herself before saying, "If you were going to lie, at least try to make it believable."

She didn't believe a word you said. Your story sounded like it came word for word from some fangirl's fanfiction. It didn't sound like it could actually happen in real life.

"I wasn't lying!" You said defensively. "Everything I just said is true."

"Sure it was," Hye-rin said, pure sarcasm dripping from her words. "We should get to work."

How could you make her believe you? You were conflicted at first but now your were dead set on having someone other than the boys in your life.

"Wait a minute!" You said once again stopping her from leaving.

You dug through your bag until your hands came into contact with a familiar rectangular object, your phone. You opened your phone and immediately went to your gallery. You swiped past a bunch of pictures before your eyes caught sight of the perfect one. You had found this particular photo a couple of nights ago. At first, you were mad that Hoseok took several pictures of you sleeping but you couldn't stay mad at him forever. Besides, you didn't look THAT bad in them.

You turned the phone around and showed her. Hye-Rin took the phone in her hands to get a better look at the three boys in the photo.

'Why do they look so familiar?' She thought to herself.

You stared at her with anticipation. It felt like an eternity but it was only a mere minute that passed as Hye-Rin looked at the photo.

"Well?" You asked breaking the silence. "Do you believe me now?"

Hye-Rin looked up from the phone then back down before handing your phone back to you.

"Well anyone can photoshop these days,"

You frowned at her response.

"But," She added making you look at her. "I don't see why you'd lie to me. Especially about something like this."

"So you do believe me!" You said as your frown turned into a smile.

Hye-rin smiled back giving you a slight nod. You jumped up and wrapped your arms around the girl, spinning her around.

"Yah! Let go!" She yelled pushing you away.

You quickly let go thinking she was mad but relaxed when you saw her smiling.

"We should probably get to work before the boss comes."

You looked at the time on your phone. It was almost 9 am and the boss always arrives 9:30 expecting everything to be ready for the 10 am opening.

"Oh shit, you're right!"

You place your phone back in your bag and followed Hye-rin to the back to change.


Your workday came to end without a hitch. Of course, there was the occasional fan that came around trying to get more information about your relationship with Jimin but you simply served them their food while ignoring and dodging their questions.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" Hye-rin asked worried that another crazy fan might attack you.

You shook your head.

"I'll be fine thanks though." You said giving her a reassuring smile.

She patted you on the shoulder before walking away.

You looked in the direction you were meant to be going in and shook your head. You had a long day at work today and you were tired. You weren't up for being chased.

You flagged down a taxi and got in.

"Where you're heading miss?" The driver asked.

You told them your address before fishing out your phone. Your eyes immediately focused on the miss calls and text notifications. One of the calls was from your parents but the others were ones you were not expecting. There was one from Hoseok and two from Namjoon.

The boys had been away in America for the past few days and you honestly weren't expecting to hear from them for another day. Ignoring the calls, for now, you went to the text which was from Namjoon.

(Name)!- Joonie 14:25

(Name)!- Joonie 14:25

Shit! Right, you're probably at work...🤦🏻‍♂️- Joonie 14:26

Call me when you get this. - Joonie 14:27

After reading you immediately dialed Namjoon's number. The line rang a couple times before Namjoon picked up.

"(Name)!" He answered.

"Hey! I got your text what's up?"

"Wait is that (Name)?!" You heard a voice in the background say. You knew immediately it was Hobi's. After his outburst, four other voices chimed in excitedly. Yoongi's voice was missing but that wasn't anything new. He was probably nearby shaking his head at the other members but still smiling.

"Let me talk to her," Hoseok asked Namjoon.

"If she wanted to talk to you she would have called you," Jungkook said laughing.

You laughed quietly imagining Hoseok's face in reaction.

"(Name)?"Namjoon asked making sure you were still there.


"Look I know you just got off work but can you meet us real quick?"

"Are you guys back?" You asked.

"Yeah, the plane just landed."

"Can't this wait till tomorrow then? I'm sure you boys are tired from the long flight." You said trying your best to get out of meeting them. You wanted to but you also wanted to sleep.

"No, This can't wait," Namjoon said in a serious tone. You knew immediately this wasn't a leisurely meeting. You sighed.

"Fine, where are we meeting?"

"The airport. Someone will meet you outside." Namjoon answered.

You told Namjoon that you'd be there soon and asked him to say hello to the other members for you. You also jokingly asked him to give Hoseok a kiss for you but he refused with no hesitation.

"See you soon," He said before hanging up.

You asked the driver if he could take you to the airport instead. They looked annoyed since the airport was in the opposite direction and takes a while to get there but agreed probably because of how much it will cost you.

"The things I do for those boys.."


Hello! Long time no see! Sorry for the long hiatus. I did not forget about this story at all I have just been busy. Also I had huge writers block for this book so I've been working on others. I'm going to try to update tomorrow (may 29th) but if not definitely by next week. :)

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