Chapter 3 - Karl

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George's pov:
Warnings: none! :D

Finally home... I immediately went into my room and looked in my drawers, looking for a skirt or sweatpants. Eventually I found some sweatpants to wear and changed my outfit entirely. Phil really needs to change the policy, I always complain about it to him.

I fall limp on my bed, not bothering to make myself dinner today. I scroll on tiktok for a while until I feel myself getting tired, my eyes getting heavier. I place my phone done on the mini table next to my bed and fall asleep soon afterwards.


I was woken up by the sound of the doorbell, I quickly got out of bed, not caring about my appearance right now. I open the door and it's my friend, Karl.

"Hey George! I missed you!" He said, "hey Karl..." I said exhausted. "Not got a lot of sleep, huh?" He asked.

"No I got enough sleep, just didn't want to be woken up just yet I suppose." Karl hugged me and I hugged him back. "I'm sorry if I woke you up." He said, "it's alright." I pat his back.

He was first to step away from the embrace. "Sooo, any news this week?" He said excitedly. Normally I wouldn't have any, but this week I do. I want to tell him everything about this, 'Dream' guy.

"I do! I do, follow me!" Hurriedly Karl closes the door and followed me to my room. "Okay, okay! First, I just want to warn you, this is about my work. I know you don't find my work very fascinating, so I'm not sure if you would want to listen." I said.

"I want to hear it! This is the first news you've have in like... TWO MONTHS!" He exclaims, "1 month actually." I corrected, he rolled his eyes at that, "just tell me!" He said excited.

I opened my laptop and quickly signed in. "Okay so, there's this new guy that I got to work with yesterday... he's so COOL! But he's a little weird too." I wasn't too sure on searching about him, but I wanted to. "What do you mean?" He giggles. "Like he has a strange nickname, 'Dream'."

Karl's eyes brightened at that, "I feel like I've heard that nickname before, I can't put my finger on it though..." I scoff and typed in the nickname on Google, this feels illegal. "Wait! Did you say Dream?" Karl asked, "yeah?" God it's taking so long to load up. I heard Karl gasp and I immediately turned my head around to him.

"My friend Sapnap knows him!" my eyes widen, "that's where I heard it from!" he giggled. "Dream told me about him, it's kind of a coincidence that you know him." I said, "I've known Sapnap for a while now, we're kinda... close friends?" he smiled at me. "Sapnap said not to search about him though, so maybe you shouldn't either."
I knew it felt strange to search about him.. I closed the tab quickly. "My internet is being so slow today, gosh." I whined, Karl laughed at that.

I slumped back again my bedsheets, "fuuuuuuuuuuck" I groaned. "Karl, have you met Dream as well?" I asked, "no actually.. I thought I would've by now. He just stays in his room a lot and he only comes out after I leave, from what I've heard from Sapnap anyways." He pouted. "Guess he's secretive, huh?"I assumed, Karl seemed to agree.

"Do you like guys like that?" He asked, I stared at him.. "what?" Have we had a conversation like this before?  I don't remember. "Do you like secretive guys?" he asked, very interested. "I mean.. if I did, would you still like me?" I looked at him, slightly worried. "Are you an idiot? I don't mind if you like boys!" He giggled, "I would still like you." I smiled.

I sighed out of relief, "I have a weird feeling whenever I'm with him, I'm not sure what it is but.. maybe that's the 'different' part about him?" I said confused, "ooorrrr... you have a crush?" He teased, "I don't- I don't think I do." I stuttered. "Ooo~" he smirked. "Whatever." I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

Me and Karl spent most of our time together watching shows and just, 'gossiping'.

"Now it's your turn! Do you like someone?" I asked while grinning, "well... I know that I said me and Sapnap were close friends but, I kind of like him, he's really cool, he has great humor and an amazing personality.. he also very, y'know, I'd call it handsome." Karl explained, "oh my gosh!" I giggled. "It's amazing to know that you like someone." He laughed and continued to paint his nails.

Then he looked up at me for a moment, "I should paint your nails someday." I quickly thought about that. "I would like that actually." We laughed together. "Blue or black would suit you, for sure!" I agreed.

There was a knock at the door, "I'll be right back, Karl." I reassured him. I opened the door and.. I think it was Dream, he had a mask on which covered his entire face. "Dream?" I asked, I heard him chuckle. "Yeah.." I tilted my head. "How did you find me?" I asked. "Let's just say... Sapnap."

I let him come inside and he sat down next to me on the couch, he explained how he got here and everything so I wasn't so confused the entire time. "So.. Sapnap got my address from Karl." I turned to Karl. "Sorryyy, Sapnap got really worried about me." he had a guilty expression, I just hugged him and told him it's okay.

"So, what now?" I ask, Karl gasped, he seemed to have an idea. "Sleepover! We can have a sleepover!" 

- 951 words <3

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