eight. | ot7

64 0 1

A requested concept. Enjoy!


You glance at yourself in the mirror one last time before heading out. The baggy ripped jeans and even baggier shirt drowned your small boyish body.

"Perfect." you mumbled to yourself before running your fingers through your short and messy, chocolate brown hair.

With the length you had it there wasn't much you could do with it so you just let it do its own thing. No one really said anything about it. Not that you would care even if they did.

Actually scratch that, there was a certain group of boys that did. It was your seven best friends and they absolutely loved to tease you about it.

"Is...that a bird's nest?"

"I think there's something living
in your hair y/n..."

"You stick a fork in a socket again y/n? tsk tsk didn't I tell you that was dangerous."

"Come forth child and let me tame that wild hair of yours." Jin would usher you towards him, brush in hand as he practiced for his play.

Majoring in acting really did suit him, if not that then he could become a model or maybe even a rapper. You were always tempted to record the moments where Jin would blow a fuse and start spitting out bars of anger.

And those are just a handful things that they would say to tease you. One thing you knew for sure, they definitely enjoyed it and seeing your eye twitch in frustration—all while they had those damn smirks on their handsome faces.

You couldn't even deny that they were good looking. Everyone around the college you and the guys attended seem to think so.

At first a bunch of girls and even some boys got jealous of you for being so close to them. But after a while they left you alone. You weren't dumb though, you knew it was because of a rumor that went around.

Somehow everyone thought you were gay?!

Like it's not my fault I dress like a boy and maybe even act like one too. And I may have called Zendaya hot multiple times but she is?! What can I do about that?? 

You huff as you rant to yourself. The boys who waited for you smirked in amusement as they watched you stomp over to them.

"Y/n! Over here!" A bright ball of energy waved to get your attention. Hoseok greeted you with his infamous heart shaped smile but before he could pull you into a hug Taehyung had beat him to it and snatched you away to squeeze you in the tightest one, "Tae!—Tae I can't breathe!" You wheezed out while lightly punching his arm to get him off of you but it didn't seem to affect him at all.

Curse you weak arms—wait when did he get such defined biceps? You paused from your struggle to poke at his flexing arm.

"Taehyung. Get off of her before she passes out." Namjoon came to save the day and pried the hyper boy off of you, making Tae hesitantly let go with a pout and the sight made your heart clench.

"Aww Tae Tae it's alright," You pinched the boy's bread cheeks and the pout then switched to the rectangle shaped smile you loved, "Sorry y/n...it just feels like I haven't seen you in forever." He sighed and looked down.

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