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Vic thought she was intimately familiar with the suffocation of disappointment. The way it grabs onto your clothes and digs its fingers into your intercostal cartilage. She was, after all, her mothers' daughter. Growing up with that woman meant missing out on a lot of things she actually wanted. It was still a cold shock, though, when that first drop of rain hit her and the guy running the ride brought out the sign that told everyone the ride was closed and the chain barred her from going any further. The one thing she wanted was just out of reach.

She started at the yellow rubber-covered chain, a perfect representation of her dashed hopes.

Scotty and the girl from 2B snapped her a little out of it a moment later. The palm of Scotty's hand slapped down on her shoulder. "I'm sorry you were right, Vicky."

"I just wanted to ride the goddamn ride."

"At least we got to ride it once?" 2B offered.

"Yeah, I guess."

"All right." Scotty paused, as if considering something. "We could still go to that show Leo wanted to go to."

"It's going to be crowded as shit under that pavilion, with the rain and all," 2B reasoned.

"Let's just go hang out in a bathroom or something." Vicky grumbled, shoulders tense.

"You want to hang out in a bathroom?" The girl from 2B wrinkled her entire pretty face like one of those improperly-bred pugs. She smooths it, then admits, "I guess we did hang out in a bathroom earlier."

"That wasn't hanging out, that was me taking off my shirt and you watching."

"Same difference?"

Vicky frowned at the chains one more time, then turned on her heel to walk through the rain and find somewhere dry to wait it out.

While the three of them walked, side by side, Scotty raised an eyebrow. "No-Name, you watched Vicky get undressed?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"How big were they?"

Vicky smacked him between the shoulder and the chest. "Are you talking about my tits?"

"Uh, yeah."

"You've seen them before, you jackass."

"I wanted to know what No-Name thought of them."

"Well, what does she think of them?"

Scotty and Vicky both looked at the girl from 2B, grinning matching grins with matching looks of malice and glee in their eyes. 2B stopped in the middle of the path, hunched her shoulder uncomfortably, and looked away. That wasn't going to stop Scotty and Vicky; the two of them sandwiched her, leaned in, and didn't move until she, squirming in the falling rain, whispered that, "They were okay."

"Oh!" Scotty leaned back around 2B and smacked Vicky on the shoulder. "She likes them!"

"Hell yeah, she does." Vicky held her hand out for a high-five from him, which she got immediately.

"If you get a girlfriend before I do, I'm going to kill myself," Scotty grumbled loud enough that both 2B and Vicky could hear him.

"Who says I want a girlfriend?"

"Uh, God?"

"We don't believe in God, Scott."

"I still think it would be nice."

"Aren't you homophobic?"

"Only when it comes to me and Connor." He patted her on the shoulder again.

The Extraterrestrial Truth And The Girl From Seat 2B [ONC 2022]Where stories live. Discover now