Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

Ginny was only gone about an hour, but by the time she got back, he'd been moved to the promised private room. It had a window looking out over a completely boring alleyway, but that still somehow made him feel less trapped.

"Here she is," Ron said as the door pushed open. "I couldn't even smell you coming."

He turned to see his wife in the doorway, now wearing trousers and a jumper, her red hair down around her shoulders in soft waves. She was currently making a rude gesture at Ron with casual indifference. Harry couldn't help but notice that she was rather beautiful, from a completely objective point of view.

"How's everything here?" she asked.

"Harry still doesn't remember that he owes me 30 galleons, unfortunately."

Ron's relaxed good humor had gone a long way to easing some of Harry's anxiety. He was pretty easy to like. "I'll be sure to pay you as soon as I remember how exactly I lost that bet."

"Ugh," Ron complained. "No one likes a welcher, Harry."

Ginny shook her head. "Well, if you're quite done trying to fleece your best mate while he's incapacitated, I brought some pasties." She held up a paper bag.

"Thank Merlin," Ron moaned. "I'm half-starved."

She handed them around, the two of them perched in chairs near his bed. Harry didn't do much more than pick at the crust on his. He honestly wasn't that hungry, with the pounding still in his head making his stomach queasy. Despite his wife's request, he'd still refused to ask for more pain potion. He didn't fancy the idea of being even further weakened.

"I promise she isn't trying to poison you," Ron said.

"What?" Harry asked, looking up.

"Here," Ron said, leaning over and taking a large bite of his pasty. "There. Now we're both doomed." He pretended to gag, rolling back in the chair.

Ginny kicked him in the leg. "That isn't funny."

"It's not my fault you didn't bring enough," he said with a shrug. He tried to swipe at her food, getting a stinging hex on his hand for his trouble.

"Maniac," Ron complained, sticking his hand in his mouth.

"Didn't realize I was getting dinner and a show," Harry said, taking a small bite of what was left of his pasty, wondering a bit at the easy camaraderie between his best mate and his wife.

"Little sisters," Ron said with a shrug. "What can you do?"

Harry tried not to look like that was a connection he hadn't already made. They were siblings. He watched them, noting similarities in their features.

Ron eventually stood, brushing the crumbs off his lap. "Okay. I have to go give my report before Robards has my head. See what the search of the area turned up. I'll be back in the morning."

"You tell Robards I'm going to have his head if they don't get this figured out," Ginny said.

Apparently ignoring her, Ron smiled at Harry, clapping him on the shoulder. "Hopefully it will all be back by morning. But by then you will owe me 40 galleons instead. Last chance."

Harry rolled his eyes. "I think I'll take my chances, thanks."

"Suit yourself!"

Ginny walked her brother to the door, the two of them sharing a long hug as Ron whispered something to her. She nodded, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before shoving him out the door.

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