Chapter 17

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"Ginny," he said, even before his eyes completely opened.

Sure enough, she was right by the bed, like she'd been so many times before. And doubtlessly would be again. They really should have their name on one of these wards. Just like Pomfrey always threatened to do back at Hogwarts.

He sucked in a breath, the room swimming, his hand fumbling for Ginny's.

"Harry?" she asked, fingers firm around his. The room seemed to right itself.

A healer burst in. "I've just gotten the toxicology report—"

"And the neurotoxin levels are zero," Harry said, using his free hand to push himself up in the bed.

"Mr. Potter! You're awake." He blinked down at the parchment in his hand. "And yes. About the levels. How did you—"

Ginny made a small sound, her fingers tightening around his. He turned to look at her, eyes traveling over her familiar, beloved face.

"Hey, Gin," he said, giving her a sheepish grin.

"Really?" she asked.

He tugged her onto the bed, wanting her close.

"Really," he said, wrapping his arm around her.

"You remember everything?" the healer asked.

Harry ignored the stupid question—how could he possibly know if he remembered everything ?—looking instead at Ron. "I was right. Masters and Bartock. They were a bit surprised to see me. And they weren't the ones who doused me with the spray."

"Who?" Ron asked.

"Eligenia Bowen."

"The Potions Matron?" Ginny asked, voice incredulous.

Harry nodded. "The very same potions matron who has been overseeing the antidote for my tricky, totally unfamiliar neurotoxin."

"Son of a bitch," Ron said. "That antidote very nearly killed you!"

Which was probably the point, to keep them from even trying to cure him. Or maybe she simply took it as a chance to monitor his condition.

Harry turned on the healer. "Where is she?"

He looked pale with shock. "She-she-she took leave! Six days ago."

Almost as if she was perfectly aware of when the toxin would wear off. Or she had seen for herself that it was finally dropping. He cursed under his breath. "Right after she told me not to bother coming in for another week."

"She'll have quite the head start on us," Ron said.

Harry nodded. An entire sodding month to prepare, to get everything in order.

"I'll go tell Robards," Ron said. But before he left, he slapped a hand on Harry's shoulder. "Good to have you back, mate."

Harry smiled, not bothering to point out that he'd been here the whole time. He knew what Ron meant. "Be careful."

He had a feeling Bowen was long gone, but either way, she'd already proven herself to be dangerous.

"Sure thing, kettle," he said, giving him a wink.

The healer was still staring down at the results in seeming shock. Or maybe still trying to wrap his brain around the betrayal of a colleague. They'd all have to be interviewed at some point. The entire department investigated for more transgressions, just what role illegal potions supplies had been playing at the hospital. Who knew how far this really went?

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