𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐩 𝐦𝐞

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Yoonmi are in relationship since 3 years
Yoongi is a mafia boss and jimin was a student back then and now he is staying at home

Jimi neays made dinner and breakfast for his boyfriend cause he is a ceo and a mafia so he don't have much time to cook by himself, all the time they are eating together breakfast like dinner (he take his lunch in office)

In the first month if their relationship everything was fine, they were hugging kissing etc.... But after sometimes Yoongi start behaving cold and stop being clingy with jimin and start avoiding him


Author POV

Today Yoongi came back home late like always, his company is working on a big deal since a long time and it's stressful for Yoongi and also he have a lot of enemy behind him for his deal and mafia place

He came back home and saw jimin


Jimin pov

I was waiting for Yoongi to come back home like always then I heard the door opening revealing an exhausted and tired Yoongi, I goes toward him to take his staff but he back away quickly I'm not gonna lie he scare me since he start behaving like that I can't talk without shuttering
Then I said the is ready but he didn't answer

Jm: h hyung dinner Is ready y you can go get it
Yoongi goes to the dinning table without paying attention to me I feel my tears started to fall

Jm: h how was your day ?
Yg: ignore
Jm: y you should take p proper rest and t take l leave from work?
Jm: p please talk to me, I want to h help u

Author POV

Yoongi start to get angry with all the questions I snake time it's only making his stress grew more and he stood up as his chair fell on the floor and came in front of jimin and look into his eyes and




Jimin's cheek was red by the harsh slap by Yoongi but he didn't care if it's hurting cause the hurting part is that it's his love who give him this pain who slap him for the first time
Tears fall from jimin eyes and Yoongi was still angry and looking with dark eyes at jimin

Yg: can't u shut the f*** up, you want to help me okay then shut up and stop annoying me, your always behind me saying annoying repetitive questions since I came back (he yell and that was the first time he yell at jimin)
Jimin felt more hurt and left upstairs and screaming "I hate u" while leaving to their share bedroom


Yoongi pov

I sigh and I was really stress and tired so I goes to the couch and massage my temple then I realize what I did "wait do I just slap jimin, no I didn't do that" jimin, his so sensitive he will never forgive me
I goes upstairs to our share bedroom but when I was about to enter I heard something that hurt my heart

Jm: why did he slap me, does he don't love me anymore, am I really annoying, but I just care for him but he don't care he just answer coldly, and he used to hug me before sleeping now he sleep back facing me or even in the living room without kissing me, I know he is a mafia but he was not like that before I want my meow meow back please

I heard jimin saying all this I feel my tears forming in my eyes but what I can do he's just stating the truth he make breakfast and dinner sometimes lunch but I never smile to him never complimented him or even sometimes eating is dishes
I should have put my work aside when I'm home now the result is that my love is hating me I hate myself for doing that I have to ask him forgiveness even if if take long time i can't loose him

Authored pov
Yoongi goes to sleep in other room cause jimin is still angry at him


Next day

Yoongi decide to take a day off to be focused on jimin

Jimin came downstairs and goes to make breakfast and he didn't look at Yoongi
Yoongi felt bad but he understand cause he done that for more than a year and he even asking his mind why didn't he left him

Jimin was making breakfast when Yoongi came and back hugged him, jimin was shocked and stop what he was doing he tired to get of yoongi's grip but he was too strong

Yg: no stay like this

Yoongi whisper in jimin ear in soft but husky voice making jimin blush, jimin wanted to ignore him but he is weak by yoongi's touch but still he didn't talk
Yoongi inhale his scent, jimin blush, Yoongi turn jimin around and hug his waist and buried his face in jimin's neck then after sometimes backing away,
Jimin was still in shock by yoongi's act

Yoongi look into jimin's eyes

Yg: I'm sorry for my behavior for those years, I know a sorry can't make u forgive me easily but I will still try to have ur forgiveness, I was stress this days and I wasn't thinking straight I'm sorry for snapping you, you know I love u so much I don't know much I love u but I do and forever please forgive me

Yoongi have tears in his eyes, but jimin was still hurt so he didn't answer
Yoongi caress jimin's cheek and kissed it saying sorry before leaving the kitchen cause he don't want jimin to be more mad


Time skip
2 weeks

During this 2 weeks everything change jimin don't talk to Yoongi which broke yoongi's heart but he understand cause that what jimin have live during years
But since jimin is ignoring him Yoongi goes to office but doesn't got his breakfast cause jimin don't talk to him and that's hurting him, so he left without eating, but he kiss jimin forehead every morning and night cause he still come late and left early but never forget to kiss him, and jimin know that

Now it's Sunday and Yoongi is at home but jimin is still ignoring him and he decide to ask him sorry again


He goes to jimin slowly and said

Yg: jimin
Jm: ignore
Yg: I I'm sorry (he broke down) I can't live without u please b baby forgive me I love u know this, I know how badly I have talked to u and didn't pay attention to you no u are not annoying ofc not your the sun of my day but I promise I will never do that again and spend time with u and start our relation again like in the start of it, please forgive me

Now jimin is crying mess and Yoongi to, jimin jump on Yoongi and said "I love u( multiple times and Yoongi does the same they back away and Yoongi lean and kiss jimin passionately and jimin kiss back ofc


And that's how they love story continue in happiness and love


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