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Tressa Walker.

The toughest decision I've ever made was deciding who my friends are. And my god, did I fuck up with that one. I realise this as I yank off Calise's clothes from her sweaty body, shove the duvet off her bed and try my hardest to drop her on it slowly, failing terribly.

"Where have you been?" I sound like a worried mother but right now I couldn't care – she had me locked out for ages, freezing, she deserves more hell than I'm currently giving her. "I met-" she hiccups and pulls a face before continuing, "the coolest guy, so we went his and oh my, it was great, his name is Louis." Nodding as if I was listening, I grab her bamboo bin from the corner of her room and drop it in front of her face at the side of the bed. "Sick? Goes in there please," I point to it, gesturing to my own mouth. "If you throw up anywhere else, I am not cleaning it."

"Okay," she breathes, attempting to lift her head up to look at me properly. I sigh, roll my eyes and sit next to her feet facing her. "So, this boy. Did drunk Calise meet him or did sober Calise plan to meet him and drunk Calise decided against it?"

She hiccups again, holds her breath, releases it. "Drunk Calise obviously but we played his PlayStation as well, he's such a nerd, but I like nerds, you remember that one boy I thought I was in love with from last year, what was his name...Josh, yeah Josh," She talks but I don't hear the rest. She won't remember this in the morning and every weekend there's a new guy. I'm just glad she's back safe and I'm able to finally go to bed.

I politely sit and listen to her talk about Josh the Jerk for another few minutes before I pretend to fake a yawn and tell her how tired I am, and that if she needs me to just yell and I'll come and sort whatever I can out for her. I'm not too worried, she does this more often than not and I know she will be a mess in the morning but a happy one. I don't think I've ever seen the girl sad since I've known her.

Throwing the duvet on her and tucking her in like the good, sober friend I am, I wish her goodnight, noticing she's already snoring. Don't drink kids. That hangover is going to beat her ass black and blue in the morning.

I walk to the kitchen, nearly tripping on her heels in the hallway I tugged off her feet moments back and fix myself some toast. I eat two slices, medium white and just butter, have a glass of water even though I hate it and the fact it tastes of literally nothing and head to my room. I don't even want to check the time or see how long I've got to sleep before I must wake up again. I pick up my phone regardless and go on Facebook to try and find a Harry. My search is filled with faces, the name Harry going over and over like a mantra, but none come up with him. Then, I search up Louis to see if any go to our uni. Only three come up within a 30-mile radius and I stalk intently for a while, scrolling through photos, mutual friends – me and one specific Louis have two friends in common, small world – and check statuses.

Nothing of interest pops up to me so I switch back to Snapchat, replying to Steren telling her that yes, I can still meet her and Mimi and Jim tomorrow after classes. None of them go to uni and they always stick to the same spots to hangout. I tried once to introduce Calise to them but it's like my two friendship groups are two different breeds. Not to be mixed.

Giving in, I check the time and see it's just gone past 3am. Sleep beckons me and I roll over to forget my existence for as long as I can until I know my alarm will murder my ears in the morning.


Lectures aren't my thing to say the least. Nothing at uni is my thing. The only reason I agreed was because it's what my mum and step mum wanted; they both grew up in Cornwall but then moved to Surrey, southwest of London. It's not that I hate being here, I'd just rather be out going different places instead of landing myself in debt for a degree I'm not particularly interested in.

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