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This wasn't a good idea.

It most definitely was not, a good idea.

But yet here I am, sitting in the passenger seat of Meloria's car listening to the chatter of three girls, two of which are sat behind me and the other one driving, about how much they hate men. As if I wasn't here.

I keep my mouth shut about it because Steren has just finished her waterworks over the boy we're off to see and now she's talking about all the horrible things he's ever done or said to her, and M is furious along with the girl called Kat. Jim is also there but since there wasn't enough room in the car, the girl I was talking to called Mimi and Tressa opted to get a cab, which they're unaware I'm paying for. Jim offered to ride with them, but they refused and now he's sat in the chair behind mine with an acrid look on his face, manspreading, head leaning against the window.

I'm not sure what his issue is and neither does M, but she's making it her mission to drive over as many potholes as she can find on the way there to make his head bump on the glass every time.

I don't know what persuaded any of them to get into a stranger's car.

I don't know if it's because Meloria is so easy to get along with, or because me and Tressa know of each other, and they all assumed we have been friends for a while instead of the fact I've met her once and spoke to on a few occasions via Facebook about Louis and Calise's situation or if they all just have extremely poor taste in life choices.

That being said, I don't know what persuaded Meloria to allow three strangers to tag along in the backseats of her car.

Maybe we all just make poor decisions.

My phone dings and I check it, careful not to turn my music off that's playing quietly in the background of the chatter. I see Tressa's name and it says:

"I'm guessing Kat and Ster are talking your ears off. You and Jim both look like you're ready to commit."

I pop my head up from my phone and look in the rear-view mirror, checking for their car behind but don't see it. Looking out the side window, I see they're driving at the same speed next to us on the dual carriage way. Mimi is using some wild hand gestures and is talking to the driver it seems, since his mouth is opening in return when hers closes, and Tressa is sat in the back, looking at me waving her phone in the air.

She sticks her pointer finger up, flicks it between my window and Jim's, and drags it back across her neck, shutting her eyes and sticking her tongue out like she's just slit her throat. I laugh, conscious not to be too loud and have anybody ask me what's funny and go to type back to her.

"Oh, it's great, I didn't know if you knew but every girl in this car hates men. Very reassuring I can promise you. But you should check on your friend, he does seem like he might just jump out any second. Hasn't said a word the whole journey and we're nearly there."

I watch her look down at her phone and read my message, her smile appearing after the first part yet disappearing near the end. Did she just roll her eyes? I can't tell since the cars jolting but I think she did.

I see her busily typing back and I clock my ears back into the conversation while I wait. "Seriously, if you're that desperate to know what he looks like he's got the same stature as Katie Price's Harvey. Not in a mean way by the way, he just really looks like him." I tune back out. My phone buzzes again.

"That's just Jim, he's a moody bitch unless he's drinking or on something. Probably feels threatened there's another guy with us all. Ignore him."

There's another pothole and I feel Meloria swerve to reach it with her tyres, feeling the car edge into and out of it within a second, feeling the bounce go through my stomach. Jim's head crashes against the window again and he opens his eyes, breathes deeply and then sits back. About time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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