Chapter One

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My name was Amber. I was just a simple human girl. I had applied to be the first girl on the Space Bachelorette TV show. I was nervous. Many alien males were running in this space race. It was a very stressful and influential season. All the humans had accepted that aliens were real. I had to do all of this to protect and help my brother Sammy. All these thoughts ran through my head as I prayed to be chosen. I felt foolish, but I needed the publicity and money. That's all humans used this game show for anyways. Sometimes they really fell in love for years. I wondered what it would be like to be on the show. I wanted to escape my life.
    I got up from my bed and looked at the alarm clock. It was 6:34 am. The alarm wouldn't go off for another two hours. I decided to check the bachelorette website and research the aliens that were being chosen. An Egyptian alien named Ra had been chosen. A lyran alien named Jarad was chosen. A Pleaiadian Prince named Gustavo had been selected. I dropped my mouth in awe. All the aliens looked so different from humans, except for the pleaiadian. He looked like an elf. Ra had the face of a bird. He was a true golden alien. Jarad looked human, but he had cat ears and a tail. I shuddered. Lyrans creeped me out. Then there was the vampire prince, Leo. I noticed that he looked desperately pale. I went onto my computer and checked out facts about the new aliens who had come to earth. They were all so intelligent and unique. What could a simple human have in common? I questioned my worth constantly. I had heard that pleadian aliens were healers. I wished I could contact Gustavo for some help. I looked over at my alarm again. An hour had passed. I sighed. I better get started on chores. I pulled on a pair of simple black jeans and then a black tshirt. I looked in the floor length mirror in my room as I brushed my black hair. I headed to the back door. I had to go check on the chickens, then the pigs, and then the cows. I pulled on my farm boots. They were already caked in mud. I walked outside in the chilled air and sighed. I hated the cold. It froze through my bones. It felt like every time I stepped outside the snow would bite back.
    I stepped over to the chicken coop. I grabbed the egg basket from outside and headed in. Hens squawked at me. Their noisy harassment was better than the guilt of buying from the factory farms. I quickly grabbed their eggs. I plopped them easily into the basket. I stepped outside and set the basket down. I went into the barn and grabbed a scoop of chicken feed. I ran to the coop and threw it into their feeder with one smooth motion of opening the door and thrusting my other arm forward. Over the years I had gotten faster at taking care of the animals. They had become more meaningless as I grew up. They lost their glory and glow that they used to have. I hurried up and got them water for the day. We had a heated waterer for the animals in the winter season. They were all spoiled cuties. The chickens squawked loudly as I closed the door.
    I headed to the pigsty. We had two females and one male. They smelled so musky. I coughed as I entered their area. I grabbed a scoop of their feed and tossed it across the pen. The pigs grunted in thanks. Their tank already had water in it. I thanked my brother in my head for filling the water earlier that week.
    I headed to the cows. I pulled hay down from their loft for them. They mooed graciously. Suddenly I heard Sammy calling my name. I turned to look behind me. He had grabbed the egg basket for me.
    "Amber! You didn't wake me up!" He called out.
    I chuckled. He was young enough that he still always wanted to help. I had been worn down into a pessimist. Nothing seemed to sparkle anymore. I always had to protect Sammy. He was only five years old. He was already diagnosed with autism and bipolar. My little brother didn't understand this world. Our mother had been sacrificed to the aliens when they had first come. It hadn't been peaceful. Many people had thought that the aliens wanted to create the rapture. Most of the towns had been destroyed by the wars. Thankfully our small hick town had stayed on the map. My brother and I lived with our close friends. Many of our parents had believed in the aliens and been sacrificed for contacting them. We lived far out in the country. We stayed busy and helped each other out. Everyone was praying for me to be on the Space Bachelorette. It would get us famous for our farm. We were doing pretty good raising and selling the animals. We were also growing and harvesting crops in the other seasons. I couldn't wait to go and make peace with an alien. I knew who the bad aliens were. I could help so many of us humans see the truth if I faced the evil ones and voted them off my show. The Space Bachelorette. I dreamed of it. I manifested it. I knew about more magic than some of the humans left. I would be protected when I went on the show. My best friend Thomas had promised to protect Sammy when I was gone.
For now I turned back to Sammy. I cleared my brain of thoughts. I focused in on my little buddy as he helped me out. He threw more hay to the cows. He mooed back at them. Then we took a walk back towards the house.
    "I miss when we had cats." Sammy said.
    "Me too." I lied.
    To be frank, I didn't care about anything anymore or miss anyone anymore. I knew a billion different universes existed. I could change into a brand new one at any thought or motion. I kept moving in the direction of being the first human girl chosen for The Space Bachelorette. I knew I had it. I looked at Sammy skipping around me. He counted the eggs as he caught up to me. We had 13. An unlucky number I would've once remarked. I had stopped caring since the angels had come and explained that angel numbers were merely them telepathically talking to us from far away. I didn't need their guidance for my life. They were just another species of aliens. They were still debating on who to choose as a bachelor since there were so many bachelors up in heaven. I laughed at the irony of it. I hoped they picked Ezekiel. Then I cursed myself in my head. I had no safety in my thoughts anymore. I feared any of the aliens telepathically hearing me. I knew it could happen when I would see them in person. I would be bombarded of images of my mother. Which only made me sad. She had sacrificed her whole life to care about the aliens. I prayed she would want to see me on The Space Bachelorette. It was cool to know that Heaven was a real place out there. I wanted to become a real time traveler and spend my days on Earth living through an astral plane projection machine every day. I heard that they had those now. If I became an alien's wife I wondered if I would spend my life time traveling with them. I had to choose the best husband. I knew that reptilians just wanted to come to earth to eat our babies and promote governments.
    Sammy raced ahead of me. I focused my attention back to him. If I got chosen it would be soon. I didn't have much time left with him. I chased after him. He squealed in delight. I tickled him until the egg basket threatened to drop. He laughed as we walked back into our house.
    On the tv screen the news flashed; Girl Chosen for Space Race. I held my breath in anticipation. Elena Marks. The screen flashed. Some other random girl had been chosen. Panic rose in my chest. It felt like my heart was breaking. I was scared for the future of earth. I wished I could have used time travel already and have won. My friends came out of their rooms. They surrounded me in hugs.
    "We are all star seed hybrids. We'll be okay." Said Thomas.
    I wiped away a tear. I was scared for the girl. She didn't know what she was up against. Nobody did, unless they had my mom to teach them. She had known everything. Suddenly we heard a knock at the farm door.
    "Who could that be?" Thomas asked.
    "I dunno." Sammy called out from his seat at the dining room table.
     I headed to the door. I knew that everyone who lived here was at home. Fear sparked in my heart. Was someone coming to kill me already? I knew I was famous because of my mother being an alien researcher, but this was messed up. Thomas followed behind me. I opened the door with shaking arms. Outside stood a pure alien. I recognized him from the website. It was Leo. The vampire prince. Vampires had killed my mother. I could sense he read my mind already. I didn't like or trust him. I would've rather seen a werewolf.
    "Yikes. I'm that bad aren't I? You'd rather see a werewolf." He gulped.
    I could tell his ego was swollen and in pain. I rolled my brown eyes. Then I remembered that he was from the tv show. I wondered why he was at my doorstep.
    "Look, my parents saw the future and saw that you and I win. I need to take you with me so we can time travel and make sure you get chosen." Leo said.
    I could've laughed out loud. A vampire thought that he could coerce a victim of his family's pain. I wouldn't be silenced. I stared at his steely eyes. I wanted to spit in his face, but I knew my choices were limited. How many times did a time traveler come and give you your wish? When they fucked up. That's when and only when. They must've seen the future of me protesting the aliens with my friends instead of creating a peace treaty. Either or could still happen.
    "Not to be rude, but we're wasting time. That girl just got named. She isn't real. She's a clone. We saw that the first bachelorette would get murdered by time travelers. You're the real star. We're protecting you under this guise. Come with me." Leo said firmly.
    He waved me outside. I looked back at Thomas. His face was grim as he watched me step outside. My jaw dropped. Leo had flown here in a private jet. I followed gingerly. I felt like a scared cat with it's back up. I was ready for anything to happen. I expected to die soon anyway. Who cared if they rigged the tv show so I could speak as much truth until I died?
    "I already know on the first date I'll be explaining and apologizing my ass off." Leo said as he waved me up the flight stairs.
    I walked up first. I wondered if it was because Leo wanted to stare at my body like I was a fresh piece of meat. Then I reminded myself that I was heading to be the real space bachelorette. My heart fluttered. I couldn't wait to research everything alien there. They would probably all be staring at me so I had to get used to it now. I had to get through this ordeal and judge who the best alien was. I decided I had to be very clear headed about my choice. I couldn't be swayed by romance.
    Leo set me at a fancy chair and table. He placed himself across from me. He smiled from ear to ear.
    "So we're not live yet, but the tv crew is already here. Can we start recording?" Leo said.
    "Wait. I thought I got to choose who I had the first date with."
     "It's kind of hard when the vampires see the future and protect the chosen girl first. I think I am owed the first date, wouldn't you agree?" He said.
    "Of course." I lied.
    He gave me an icy smile. He turned to the camera crew that was behind me. They got into action. The cameras started rolling. I started to blush. I was nervous as the lights came on. The fancy dinner plates full of regal food came out. My mouth began to water. Glasses of champagne were set down. I had thought that I wouldn't drink as I was only 20, but I was happy they brought it. I would need it to get through my first and worst ordeal. The date with the vampire prince. I too had seen this coming. It would be an important conversation across the nation. I felt trolled that they had set this all up. They had set up a girl being murdered too just because she was unimportant to them.
    "I must say we are starting off unprofessional. Where's the host?" I asked.
    "You'll meet him when we land. We can't stop the actual rapture happening on earth." Leo said.
    "Yes, you could if all the aliens left." I said.
    "Well dear, we all believe we're helping earth." Leo said.
    "That's bullshit." I called him out immediately. "You know you're feeding off earth. You're the reason people get so scared now."
    "Vampires aren't just scary beings, Amber. That's what I'm here to show you. That I can love you."
    I noticed the rose on the table. So traditional. He wanted a rose from his performance tonight. I looked up at him with honey sweet eyes. He stared back with his gray dull eyes. He was the actual living dead. One step away from a zombie in my mind.
    "Why me, Leo?" I said.
    "I want to save you because of what my family did to yours. Your father is alive. He's a vampire too."
    "What you did to my family can't be saved. I miss my parents everyday! You sacrificed my mom! You made my dad a vampire! You're all a curse on this earth." I scoffed at him.
    I felt like a human prisoner. He had just told me the worst news of my life on public tv. I began to cry. I couldn't wait to get out of this date and meet the other alien contestants. I wiped my tears away with a napkin. I was happy that the vampire's date got me with just my regular farm clothes on. The rest of the aliens would soon see me playing dress up like all the girls on the bachelorette show of the past had done. I liked that I had gotten to show the true me to the world though. It brought a small smile to my face.
    "I am honored for this opportunity. To set the records straight." I said.
    "Everyone in the confederation has been waiting for you. Princess Amber." Leo said in response.
     "I'm not a princess." I said softly.
    "You can be anything you want to be. You already know that. We know you're one of the smartest girls in the universe. There's definitely a dimension in the future where you become my princess, but you already are one on your own as well." Leo smiled.
    "I have no interest in being your princess." I replied.
    "Well dear, I'm truly sorry that my family sacrificed your mother. It breaks my heart. It wasn't something that I did. It wasn't something anyone wanted to do. There was a war going on." Leo spoke bullshit.
   I knew they had planned to kill her because of her connection with Ra. I ignored him and passed the night with small talk. I decided that he wasn't all bad for the game. He deserved the ceremonial rose. I felt trapped in his cult world. Only because I had to play the game and needed more information from him than the time one date allowed. I handed him the rose.
    "Thank you." He smiled.
    I didn't say anything back. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. The cameras stopped rolling a few minutes before we landed. I could already tell Leo was an actor. I found out we were staying at a beautiful mansion resort amidst beautiful mountains in America. I was lost and I had no care. We could've been in Alaskan weather for all I cared. I was glad that I realized it was warm here fast. We had landed in a desert. I climbed down the stairs first. The host was waiting for us. He was a reptilian man. The original host of the show had been scared when the rapture came. They had hired a reptilian because they feared nothing.
     "Hello folks of America! My name is Billy and I'm a real life reptialian! I will be hosting The Space Bachelorette! Our real winner is finally here! Amber Sparks!" The man named Billy said.
    He was good at his job. He spoke the necessary information out as he stood beside me. We stared at the cameras. This was the first time in history that the bachelorette series had ever been live streamed.
    "Welcome home, Amber. This is a mansion near the AREA 51 base. Unfortunately you had to fly across the country while most aliens were close to home." Billy said to me.
    I produced a laugh, because I figured that was supposed to be a joke. Billy smiled at me awkwardly and waved me on towards the mansion.

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