Bring The Payne

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     Shasa and Shards watched on the big screen as their mouths were a little open agape to this new bladers beyblade.

"Prominence Phoenix." Shasa muttered to herself. She remembered the previous owner of Phoenix before...


Even though she never had any interactions with him, Shasa took an immediate dislike when she heard how Free's Fafnir was purposely destroyed due to a battle with Dead Phoenix. But that was way back when Cho-Z Beys were at their prime time. And now to see it return with a new Dynamite Battle evolution was surprising. Even more surprising that somebody else was using Phoenix.

"Who is that?" Shasa whispered, but luckily, Shards heard it and answered for her.

"Phenomeno Payne."

Shasa glanced at her friend.

"You know him?" She asked.

"Sort of. I remember watching him battle on television before, and he was brutal." Shasa noticed the tone of voice and expression Shards shown while talking about this boy. With a quick conclusion, Shasa figured that he must be strong, especially if he has a Phoenix beyblade.

"Do you think he'll beat Lui?" Shasa asked and Shards was quick to answer.

"He's strong, but not as strong as Lui. Phoenix isn't the only bey that has evolved."

With Lui and Phenomeno

"I'm the one...who'll burn you up into ashes," The blader threatened as he held up a golden and red bey.

"With Prominence Phoenix's crimson flames!"

"Hahahahaha! Big talk for someone like you. Will you even be a match for me?" Lui questioned with an amused grin on his face.

"There's a certain someone I have to beat. And the first step towards my by crushing you and your Longinus." Phenomeno stated. Lui's smile dropped a little bit. A certain someone? He repeated in his mind. Staring dead into Payne's eyes as he held up his beyblade, Lui made his decision.

"Fine, I'll take your challenge. But if you dare bore me, I'll drown you into the ocean!" Lui's joke came out to be a threat as he expressed a huge, wide grin on his face which didn't affect Payne at all.

Lui and Phenomeno walked outside to the top of the mountain where a stadium was placed, and both bladers were standing on opposite sides of the stadium. Lui then held up his DB evolved beyblade.

"Guilty Longinus will be the one causing your nightmares forever." Lui introduced his partner and Phenomeno responded by holding his beyblade.

"I don't care what bey you have, Prominence Phoenix will shred your bey apart." Phenomeno spoke in a raspy, but calm and creepy voice.

"First Battle!" A robotic voice came through and both bladers got into their launching positions.

"Ready? SET!"

"3!" Lui extended his arm out.

"2!" He then bent down to his knees and brought his hand towards the edge string of his launcher.


"GO, SHOOT!" Both bladers pulled the threads as hard as they could, causing the launchers to spread out their auras and both Beyblades quickly made their way onto the stadium.

Phoenix traveled to the center in a tremendous race while Longinus was circling around, warming up to attack.

Using the Metal Destroy driver on the bey, Longinus quickly picked up speed and pulled itself back and launched itself towards Phoenix.


Unaffected, the red beyblade didn't move due to Longinus's heavy assault.

"Oh? Seems like you've got some good defense." Lui noted with a grin.







Shasa and Shards stood frozen, their eyes glued to the large television as they watched Phoenix defending off Longinus barrage of attacks. Even from watching it, Shasa could feel Longinus's attacks hitting like a truck.

"Wow, Phoenix keeps taking those hits head on." Shasa voiced.

"Lui isn't even close to giving it his all, you'll see." Shards responded and two went back into silence as they kept watching the battle unfold.







No matter how many attacks Longinus brought in, Phoenix was dedicated on not leaving the center, even Phenomeno didn't seem fazed.

Lui on the other hand was getting a little impatient, already getting a little bored of this battle.

"Enough of this! Tear him apart!" Lui commanded and with one last blow, Longinus finally launched Phoenix out of the center and hitting the stadium wall. But Longinus quickly followed as it zoomed towards the beyblade.

Lui spun around as he gripped his right hand into a fist and swung it into the air with a light purple aura following and purple eyes glowing as he yelled:



And with a little explosion, Longinus knocked Phoenix out of the stadium, earning Lui the win.

"Guilty Longinus with an over finish! Lui Shirosagi wins!"

Shards sighed a little in relief as she was glad to see Lui taking the lead, but Shasa on the other hand kept replaying the battle in her mind. She knew Lui wasn't going all out, but neither was Phenomeno. He was able to stand up against Lui easily and it made her wonder if he was actually capable of defeating Lui.

Flash Back

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! MAKE HER BEG FOR MERCY! LONGINUS!" Lui screamed as he raised his arm up and swung it down with a white and light blue aura surrounded him. He then summoned the avatar of Rage Longinus. 



There was a fierce explosion in the stadium as they heard a bey get sent off into the air.


Both bladers heard the noise of a bey bursting and when the smoke cleared, Shasa found Saturn laying out in the ground in two. She gasped in surprise.

Flash Back Ends

Even though I was the runner-up at the world league, I was never able to beat him. Shasa thought to herself as she stared at Bolt Saturn.

Lui picked up his beyblade, but he wasn't smiling even though he won. He looked back at Phenomeno who was also picking his beyblade up. He was holding back this whole round. Just what is he planning? Lui wondered.

"That was a boring battle."

Phenomeno eyed Lui.

"Is this all you can do? Give me a real battle!" Lui demanded with now an amused grin on his face. Phenomeno on the other hand didn't smile as he faced Lui once again, and it was only then when a wide and creepy smile appeared on his face.

"Lui Shirosagi...prepare say goodbye to your Guilty Longinus!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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