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Wilbur pov

I see y/n kind of hop into my room, but before they can get three steps in they almost fall, if it wasn't for the door handle which they held onto. I run over to pick them up so they don't fall again "Why are you here y/n, I thought you were asleep" I ask a bit confused, " I couldn't sleep" they said in a tired tone. So I put them on my bed, grabbed my guitar, and play a soft melody. Soon enough, they are asleep.

Phil's pov

I am not sure why I thought I thought this kid would rob us, they are clearly injured. Tommy did get upset at the fact I told a kid who had a swollen ankle to leave and who also probably had no home to go back to. "Maybe they are in an orphanage?" I say hopefully Tommy get's it, I needed to get the kid back and I was hoping that they are in an orphanage. My phone dings,


*One new attachment*

I open it up and see a video of a kid, semi crying, tried, and looks like the kid I kicked out. I showed Tommy and his face lite up, and as we played the video I could feel guilty for my actions and a tear falling from my eyes. 

We had to get this kid

After a while, I called Wilbur and he answered my call and question with out me saying it "Yes we are on our way, y/n is behind me and we are getting a taxi so we will see you soon, bye"

3 person

As the two were in the car they slowly grew tired and yet still trying to stay awake. Wilbur felt y/n slowly fall asleep, and by the time he checked the time, it was now 7 pm again. They got home safely and Wil thanked the driver and left to head into the house, not before waking y/n up. It was hard to stay up this late considering that they have been on their feet for a while. Y/n was so tired that they feel asleep as soon as the touched the floor to Phil's house. Tommy came to see if you were okay, he saw you as a little sibling.

( So sorry I haven't updated in a while, school sucks)

The two (Wil and Tommy) carried you to the couch, so you wouldn't get waken up by Tommy's yelling. They told Phil that the two had arrived safely. And Phil came to see y/n to understand if he could see anything that the boys can't. He was horrified about what he saw...

So sorry this was short, school is not fun right now. I have had two test in two days, I rolled my ankle and it's bruising and swelling again and I am not aloud to sit out in gym. My teacher understands that it hurts but I can't sit out he only tells me "JuSt TrY yOuR bEsT" Like he thinks I can. I just don't have a lot of time in my hands to do this during the week so maybe on Saturdays is when there can be an update. 

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