Two - Unfortunate Things Happen to Those Named Bean

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The song is Empty by Metric, but only the intro really applies because the rest gets a bit obnoxious.

The image in the media section, Track One, is one of three lists that feature songs that I relate to the theme of the book, the characters or specific scenes.

By the way, the two artist names that kinda got miffed are Iron & Wine and Zeds Dead & Omar LinX.

"You disappoint me, Bean."

She tilted her head back to see the owner of a once familiar voice. "I could say the same for you."

"Since when are you a cold hearted bitch?"

"Since when are you a backstabbing ass kisser?"

"Since I have a family to protect."

She scoffed, unamused. "Don't we all?"

"These little jabs of yours could go on for a while. Just a warning, there's a reason we grew apart." And she knew it wasn't the 'him and her' we that he was referring to. "What are you willing to sacrifice, what humiliation are you willing to face just to support him in this fool's errand?"

"That's the thing, Nile. I'm giving absolutely nothing up for him. I won't be doing a damn thing for his cause. You overestimate my compassion for the human race. Yes, what is it you called me- ah, a cold hearted bitch." Her words had a bite that matched her cold eyes. The emphasis wasn't missed in her dry sarcasm.

"You've changed since then."

"I grew up, Nile. There's a difference."

Her eyes downcast and pained, she attempted a smile for old times sake. God, she missed him. But not this him. Not in this time. No, she simply missed the past he represented. He was all but a nice memory to hold in dark times.

"Give Marie my regards," she choked and whirled quickly, boots falling fast and unsteady down the hall in her exit. He had reached out for her, but his hesitation was answer enough. His hand fell at his side, gripped white and quaking.

The next time they spoke it would not be as friends.

The trial had been a stressful, balding experience. Standing next to Rico had been a mistake, what with her constant look throwing and offense to the belittling of the report. Restraining a fifteen-year-old girl to keep her from ripping Levi's head off had not helped her mood, only poked at her declining amount of patience. It was Nile's confrontation that sent her over the breaking point with little wonder as to why she felt the need to have an emotional meltdown.

After all, the trial seemed to only enforce her strong dislike of the interior wall. God, she didn't want to ever go back there. The only thing keeping her from losing it during the trial was knowing the man making the decision was the ex-commander of the Survey Corps, a sane man with a decent enough head on his shoulders. Just listening to the fat men bicker- god, it was no wonder Titan boy snapped.

Now, Rico, being the slave driver she was, did not appreciate the fellow squad leader's lack of attention in performing her duties, so her being Rico, she felt the need to straighten the problem out. With a blade. A blade meant for killing beasts.

Gulping, Noemi took great caution to the shiny, sharp edge bent into her abdominals. Glancing between the weapon and it's owner, she realized her grave mistake.

"Can I help you with something, Rico?" She asked, a tremor in the pronunciation of her friend's name.

"He's distracting you again. Your mind's not here, and you're ill prepared to make decisions in the line of duty. Cut out the infection before it kills you." Her glare is even enough, steady, convincing. Sometimes Noemi wished she wasn't always so on the mark in her deductions.

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