How to know they like you (Boys)

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Hajime hinta:

Always sneaks stares at you and if you look back at Him he looks away blushing. He always offers to help you with homework and blushes when you give him hugs or smile at him. He gives you small gifts to!

Fuyuhiko kuzuru ((sorry if i spelled it wrong)): he always tries to act tough around you and hates it when other guys flirt with you. He is a lot nicer to you then he is with everyone else. Ge often finds himself staring at you when you look at him his face will turn red.

He always shows of his mechanic skills and hides under his hat . He hates it when you talk to gundam!

Gundam: he lets you hold the four dark lords of destruction! He often hides
His face in his scarf and hates it when souda talks to you!

He gives you nice little nicknames like 'little ray of hope ' or 'sunshine'! He will try to save you from despair the most and often puts himself down! When you hug him he blushes quiet a bit
Nekomaru: he lets you train with h and coachs you on your SHSL [talent] and blushes a LOT around you
Twogami: shares his food with you....its a sign

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