Dreams really do come true {Zak Bgans}10

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  • Dedicated to Rachael Poage

**Alice's POV**

We reached the tree where Zak and Becca were standing. There was definitely something going on. "Where were you two?" I asked expectantly.

"Here there and everywhere" Answered Zak. His annoyance was clearly heard in the statement. Nick smiled at them like he knew exactly what was happening.

"Don't worry about it Alice" replied Becca. I turned to look at her and noticed that she was wearing Zak's coat. I suddenly became more confused than ever. A sheepish smile spread across her face. 'What is going on?'

**Becca's POV**

'Crap... Alice knows something's up.' I thought as I smiled at her. She looked completely confused. Nick however thought he knew exactly what had happened. A huge smile was stretched across his face and when ever I glanced over towards him his right eye closed in a mocking wink. We stood under the tree in complete silence for about five minutes.

"Well, this is awkward," Zak said while watching the rain fall "Let's get out of here." It seemed like a great idea. The rain probably wasn't going to let up anytime soon. We dashed to the line for the trolleys to bring us back to the parking lot.

I ran from the trolley and hopped into the front seat of the van. I quickly shut the door behind me. The engine roared to a start. "So, where to? Asked Aaron from the back seat.

I looked back at Alice and simultaneously we both yelled "Steak N' Shake!" However mad she was at me we still thought the same way.

Zak pulled the van out of the tight parking space. "Which way do I go?" He asked.

"Just exit the way we came from but when we reach the intersection turn right." I responded. I smiled at him from the passenger side. He threw me a sly wink that went unnoticed by the others.

The ride to Steak N' Shake was awkwardly silent. No one dared to say a word or touch the volume on the radio. Alice's face still held a look of confusion, Nick's was full of expectation and Aaron was completely zoned out. The van quickly became stuffy and uncomfortable.

We pulled into the ever crowded parking lot. A sign in the window blinked '1/2 Price Happy Hour'. Inside little children sat at tables or in booths wearing their paper hats and playing with their colorful cardboard cars.

Zak pulled into one of the few open spaces and turned off the van. We hesitated a moment before opening the doors and running to the protection of the building.

The smell of burgers filled our nostrils as we took our seats. All of our stomachs rumbled and growled as we looked at the menus. I sighed and slammed my menu on the table.

"What's wrong?" asked Aaron from across the table.

"You guys!" I responded." Why the heck is everyone so quiet?"

"What happened back at the park?" Asked Alice completely ignoring my previous question.

"Nothing," I responded "Nothing happened."

"Liar..." She replied. I leaned back against my chair.

"Alice... Darling if I knew anything for sure you know I would tell you." I reasoned.

"I guess that's true." She replied smiling "I'm sorry Becca."

"It's fine." I said with a huge smile stretched across my face.

Dreams really do come true {Zak Bagans love story}Where stories live. Discover now