Dreams really do come true {Zak Bagans}12

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  • Dedicated to Austin Masters my amazing boyfriend

**Becca’s POV**

My car let out a bleep insuring that it had locked. I threw my keys into my purse and walked in side.

My dogs ran in circles around me begging for attention. ‘Shit!’ I thought as I bent down to pet them. I quickly called my neighbor to see if she could watch them. As it turns out Zak had already called and taken care of it.He thought of everything. Now all I had to do was pack for a month and a half. What a job.

I opened up my closet and pulled out my GIANT suitcase. I brushed off some of the dust and unzipped the main pocket to reveal a small pile of sand in the corner. I hadn’t opened it since my trip to Florida two years ago. That was one trip I regretted taking.I shuddered as I traced the scar on my stomach and remembered how I received it.

‘I will not think about him now. Becca Zak won’t be like him’ I thought as I folded some of my jeans and tee shirts. I carefully placed each outfit into separate piles around my floor. Everyone was complete with shoes and jewelry.

Before I knew it I had two months worth of clothes laying orderly inside the suitcase. I carefully placed each of my shoes into another bag. I had always been such a chronic over packer. I always bring more than I actually need.

Alice walked into my room rolling her suitcase behind her. It was half the size of mine yet it still held everything she needed, shoes and all.She looked down at my suitcase. “Do you really need all of that?” she asked incredulously.

“YES!” I yelled in response. “You should know me by now.” I stated as I zipped up my bags finally ready to leave.

*2:45 AM*

I rolled over in bed. My room was pitch black as I listened to the crickets chirping outside my house. It was proving to be impossible to stay asleep. Hour after hour I would wake up and stare at the ceiling. I yawned and shut my eyes ready to fall back asleep.

*6:30 AM*

My alarm clock was blaring in my ear. I reached over and hit the off button. I settled back into my bed ready to fall asleep again. My phone let out a soft beep. I groaned and opened the text.

Wake up sleepy head!!

My eyes lurched open when I saw the name. I quickly replied:

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah Zak I’m awake… now :/

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. It may have been too early but I knew I had to be awake. Another beep emanated from my phone.

Good : )

I stood up and headed towards the bathroom turning on my radio as I passed it.

Yupp... Yawn do I have t get up?

I brushed my hair and pulled my hair straightener through my hair to neutralize the waves enough so I could pull it up into a ponytail.

Yes! You have to wake up! Our next lockdown is in three days!

I threw on this outfit (http://www.polyvore.com/ghost_adventures/set?id=28796569) and walked down the stairs to cook some breakfast.

3 days? Why can’t I wait to get up then?

My eggs sizzled in the pan. I stirred them continuously to keep them from burning.

1 day drive and 2 days of filming prior…

I slid some of the eggs onto a plate and sprinkled on some cheddar cheese. I left just enough for Alice to eat later.

Fine… I’m ready anyways.

The sound of my radio filled the silence of the house. I barely noticed the burning on my tongue as I shoveled the eggs in. I couldn’t ignore the excitement in the pit of my stomach.

So we argued over nothing?

I smiled as I replied.

Yes darling I believe we were.

A crash sounded from the stairs. Moments later Alice slid down on her ass. “Did you just fall again?” I asked.

“Yes…” she admitted as she sprinted up the stairs to retrieve her suitcase.

I opened my phone to read Zak’s new text.

Darling huh? I kinda like it.Say it again :P

I walked into the kitchen and cleaned up the mess left from breakfast.

Ooo Sexy. Lol we are almost there.

“Crap! Alice they are almost here!” I yelled. I heard her footsteps stomp down the stairs. She walked around the corner with my hair straightener in her hands.

“You may want this.” She said as she handed it to me.

“OMG thanks so much!” I said and slid it into one of my many bags. I plopped down on the couch to wait for the crew to arrive

Dreams really do come true {Zak Bagans love story}Where stories live. Discover now