Birthmarks and jobs (Anxceit fluff)

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Janus walked inside his dorm room, groaning, walking over to his bed, sitting down. He'd had a long day at work. It was black Friday and people were assholes to say in the kindest way possible.

Many people who got angry would point out his birthmark, calling him a freak. He was just fine when people said he was shit at his job because he knew they were wrong and just dumb Karens.

But being called out of your appearance in anger by a stranger is a new kind of shit feeling. It was as if he wasn't already self conscious about thr dsmn thing.

He ignored it though, those people didn't matter. He heard and knock and looked over at the door, his small boyfriend walked inside with tears in his eyes. It caught him completely off guard, Virgil never fucking cries.

He immediately got all protective, motioning Virgil over, sitting him on his lap. "What's going on my dark angel?" He comforted Virgil by hugging him.

Virgil face was hidden under Janus' shoulder. His arms wrapped around his lanky boyfriends waist. He didn't reply for a while, just crying for a bit.

Once it got quieter, janus picked up the pale boy, Virgil wrapping his legs around Janus, sniffling and catching his breath.

Janus placed Virgil down on thr kitchen counter, grabbing a glass of water, making sure to add ice in it. "Are you ready to talk or do you need a moment?" Virgils shakey hands grabbed the cup and drank some water. He took a few deep breaths in and out. "I quit my job.." he admitted.

"What? Why on gods earth would you do that? I thought you loved the job?" Janus sounded more confused than anything.

"I was being called the f slur, my manager was yelling at me, people were all around me and pushing me.. it- it was really bad. He wouldn't let me go on break because it was busy and tried to make me work longer. I'd found out that they tried to pay me less too.. it sucks."

"I knew that asshole-" shaking his head, petting Virgils hair. "I'm proud that you stuck up for yourself. It takes guts." Virgil gave a sad excuse for a smile, it didn't last long anyways.

"Don't you dare get cheesy now. But how was your day at work?" Janus shrugged in response.

"It was fine. Nothing special happened today."

"Key word for today was shitty and I don't wanna talk about it?"

"How the-"

"Fuck do I know that? Janus we're like the same when it comes to talking about shit.. well, until I'm having a breakdown that is. Buy my point is that you aren't allowed to lie"

"Damn. You're good, ever think of being a-" Virgils face said it all. "Okay, I'll tell you, Jesus christ. So serious after a breakdown. But people started being assholes. Talking shit about my birthmark and calling me names cuz of it. Karens of course"

Virgil nodded. "Of course, an easy shot to yell about. They're just jealous that they got the default looks and you have the rare skin in this simulator." Virgil grinned, his face and eyes still red and puffy.

Janus laughed pathetically. "God. Why don't you try sleeping at night instead of playing the Sims game?"

"I put you into the game, be thankful. But seriously dude, don't let them get to you. Easier said than done, I know. But your birthmark is cool as fuck. You know that."

Janus nodded. "Thanks /dude/" they both shared a laugh. "Why don't we just watch some basic ass B rated horror movies?"

"Damn, thought you'd never ask. I got the popcorn, you get the wine and the glasses out"

And that's what they did, they got their snacks, Virgil made the couch comfortable, janus got the wine out and poured the glasses, and they watched awful horror movies.

Virgil had his legs on top of Janus', leaning against the arm rest, janus has his legs on the coffee table, making sure not to hit the food or wine.

They stayed up all night, judging and laughing at these movies, it was their, what they would call, perfect night.

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