Arguing Again (Intrumoceit hurt/comfort)

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There they were, Janus and Patton were having another fight. It used to never happen, arguments never happened with them but recently, every small thing triggered a fight.

What was it this time? Well, Patton had spent his money on expensive gifts. He was so excited to show Janus the gifts but it pissed him off.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?! You are an adult now Patton, we have an apartment, you have bills!! You cannot buy things all the time!!" He was furious, quite literally yelling at Patton.

Of course Pattons feelings were hurt, it wasn't even just because he's so in touch with his feelings. It genuinely hurt to hear Janus scream when he expected Janus to be happy and want kisses and hugs.

Pattons lip trembled, he tried to keep his composure though. "I'm sorry, okay? I wanted to surprise you. I wanted you to be happy!" Tears filled his eyes.

"Are you stupid?!" Janus didn't mean this though, it wasn't an excuse to be lashing out like this but he's been stressed, exhausted, and the lack of communication didn't help.

Janus couldn't even finish what he wanted to say, the tears left the smaller boyfriends eyes, the tears flooding down his cheeks and onto the ground.

That's when Remus walked in. "What the actual fuck is going on??" He was confused of why his boyfriends were arguing again.

Janus rubbing his forehead with his hand. "Patton will not stop buying expensive items, it's ridiculous. He's never gonna save money and it's going to start affecting us, Remus."

Remus sighed, he wasn't good with these situations. He didn't think about asking both sides of the story or why Patton bought all of these things. "Why do you do this so often? Don't you have enough already?"

"But- but they're for-" once again, the severe lack of communication wasn't helping and Patton got interrupted by Remus.

"Can't you just return this junk? Come on Pat, I'm sick of these arguments. Let's at least try to keep the peace?"

Not even a hug, he wasn't even asked why he was crying. He nodded, wiping his tears. "Fine, whatever you want."

The two didn't even see what the gifts were. Janus had made Patton tell him how much the gifts were before yelling.

The gifts were multiple games that's recently came out, games Remus desperately wanted. And then for Janus, there was a bunch of crystals since he's super into all of that. Crystals he did research on and knew Janus wanted because he loves them both and loves surprising them.

Janus and Remus went into Remus' room, leaving Patton all alone.

No, this wasn't an abusive relationship but they all were busy and didn't pay attention to check up on each other, communication died out, it was something they had to work on but didn't.

Patton grabbed the bag with the gifts, quietly leaving the house.

He didn't return anything though and he didn't come home for hours. Instead he went to the park. He went to an area where they used to have dates at or went on picnics to.

He just stayed there to calm down and comfort herself. He didn't want to go to his friends because he didn't want advice, for them to tell Remus and Janus where he was, he just wanted to be alone.

Was this relationship even working? Janus worked 24/7 and came home stressed and wanting to sleep, Remus would mostly play games or be with friends. He wasn't exactly a cuddly person and he was bad at communication.

He sighed shakily. His phone was turned off so he got no calls and wouldn't see any texts.

But he did forget to turn his location off so after three hours and no response from Patton, his boyfriends went to the park to look for Patton.

Once they found him, they saw he was hugging his knees, eyes and face red but it was less puffy since he was calming down. He was literally wearing Remus' hoodie and it did make them feel bad.

They sat down next to him. "Pat.. why weren't you answering our calls? It's been hours. We were worried-" Janus said, talking in a gentle tone when he saw how hurt Patton looked.

Patton wouldn't even look at them. He just shrugged. "Why does it even matter, I'm fine. Please just leave me alone, okay?"

Janus sighed quietly,  pulling the curled up Patton close, having him lean against his chest. "You clearly aren't fine. Nobody knew you were here, we all were scared. "

Patton moved away, looking at Janus finally, his face showed how hurt he was. "Why were you scared?? I'm just a dumb boyfriend who gets yelled at for trying to make you guys happy!"

"Why are you still trying to ar-" Remus put his hand on Janus' shoulder. He wasn't good at this but he's not clueless. He knows Janus needs to listen finally, they both do.

"Please explain the situation from your point of view Pat, we're ready to listen."

Patton nodded but stayed quiet for a bit, trying to find the right thing to say. ".. i- I got you guys gifts because we all are so stressed and busy. I wanted to make you guys smile and maybe we could have had a nice night.. But I wasn't even able to show Janus. He just asked how expensive it all was and got angry at me when I told him. I'm not dumb!! Okay? I'm not. I paid everything I had to and I have things saved up for certain situations. I saved up for so freaking long to spend on you guys." He teared up again, covering his face. "But you both think im so stupid and think I don't know how to save up. It's unfair, you didn't even try to see my side Remus."

The two were speechless, they'd officially felt like the worst kind of people. But it broke their hearts and the final thing Patton said.

"Do you guys even care about me anymore? I don't see a part for me in this relationship anymore. I can't handle no attention or affection and I hate these arguments. We barely even sleep in the same bed and we never communicate."

Remus and Janus gave each other a look and they immediately smothered Patton. They gave him hugs, kissing his face, wiping his tears.

"Of course we care. We love you darling"

Remus nodded "we love you so much baby boy"

Janus continued to add to this. "We are so sorry. Maybe we should create a schedule for daily activities. We need better communication.. I see that now. I'm so sorry for freaking out my sweet boy. Why don't we go home, okay?"

Patton nodded, sniffling, being so thankful that these two were being so apologetic.

"I'll drive home by myself. Pat, you and Jan can drive your car home. We can cuddle and watch some of those dumb movies you like. Kay?" Patton knew Remus wasn't being a jerk, this was just how he spoke. He nodded, hugging Remus tightly, thanking him and saying how much he loves him.

Patton went back to Janus, holding his hand. They got into the car, Janus saw the bag on the passengers seat. "Pat, I'm seriously sorry. I'm an asshole but we'll fix everything together. I forgot how important communication is."

Patton, of course, accepted his apology. They drove home and Patton showed them the gifts. The boys expressed how thankful and excited they were.

And for the rest of the night, they did everything together. They cooked together, ate, cuddled, and watched movies. Janus read to Patton and Remus, they both fell asleep on him.

He loved his boys so much.

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