Swan Princess Part 1

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That morning she woke up feeling refreshed. Stretching her entire body she lazily yawned as she looked outside her window. New Orleans was amazing and every bit beautiful. At night non-stop music, dancing and gambling. Still very early the city seemed lazy but fresh as just picked fruit.

Smiling she grabbed her water bottle, taking a sip her gaze wandered until she all most choked on her water at the sight she spotted. How did he find out were her hotel was in ?!  "You have got to be kidding me," She whispered. Remy Lebeau was casually lounging on a near bye building with the same damn hat.

This guy needed another hobby besides playing cards and meeting strange women, She thought as she got dressed. Walking outside she rounded the corner were Mr. Lebeau casually greeted,"Hello Chere," As he fingered a single card. "Are you stalking me ?" She bluntly asked.

The Cajun's grin grew once again reminding her of the cat who ate the canary and then the cream. "Do I detect that notion is slightly appealing to you Chere ?" Rolling her eyes she muttered something in German about how large his ego was. "Why do you always call me 'Chere' ?" She asked.

"You only told me your first name Chere," The Cajun replied. "It's Amy Hails," She said. At this Remy did a comical sigh. "At last," He said as he pressed his lips on her hand. Releasing her hand Remy smiled. "Now Miss Amy we are not strangers anymore, how would you like to accompany o'l Remy for early lunch ?"

She wanted to say no but could not. And to add that the Universe was against her, her stomach rumbled on it's own. Smirking Remy replied to her stomach's action. "I'll be taken that as a yes."

Once again Remy offered the crook of his arm which she accepted out of habit. Her companion acted more of a Gentleman than last night, he asked questions without being personal. After lunch Remy became her tour guide as he showed her around the city. 

"Thanks Remy," She said slipping out of his arm as they returned to her hotel. "Hold on Chere, how about you reward me with a good night kiss," Remy suggested. Still with her back turned to him she said,"Just because you are handsome does not mean I'm going to kiss you."

Arms snaked around her as they dragged her back. "So you believe I'm handsome Chere," She could hear that smirk of his growing along with his ego. "Let me go Remy," She growled. Remy's smirk just grew as he dragged her closer to him as she now faced him. Dragging her heels she squirmed out of his grip only to get caught just as quick.

"You owe me a kiss for my amazing tour," Remy insisted. Giving him a cold look she did not move. "Ah don't make o'l Remy beg Chere," Remy pleaded but he was not using the puppy dog stare, it was more like he was trying to entrance her with his eyes.

Red faced she had a plan. Leaning to kiss his cheek she ducked out of her steel strong spicy scented prison and high tailed it inside. 

Once back in the safety in her room did she looked down at the amused Cajun. With a smirk of her own she replied,"You won't be getting a kiss from me that easy." Feeling very proud of her grand escape she waved at her friend before going to bed.

After that little incident her new friend did not try to steal kisses from her much to her amusement. It had been a week actually. As they watched as decorations being put up did Remy ask,"Goin to be your first Mardi Gras huh Chere ?" Grinning excitedly she explained it was because of this exact event that she had visited.

"Well you couldn't choose a better time. The Festivals, Parade but the Masqurade's de best," Remy said glancing at her like he was up to. "You plannin on goin Chere ?" Smiling she replied shyly,"Sounds like fun but I don't have a costume and it sounds a bit scary. "

She admitted shyly to Remy before when she was around a lot of people she did not know. Remy seemed to remember her being shy around strangers. "I can arrange for a costume for you Chere and o'l Remy will be with you." Feeling less intimidated she perked up,"You can ?"

"Well I know someone who owes me a favor," Remy said confidently. "But you'll need my measurements," She pointed out. "Your costume's being made and I have your measurements Chere," Remy said with a wicked grin. Blushing she realized,"Wait, how did you get my measurement's ?"

"Dat's for o'l Remy to know," Was the only answer she got. "What is it with you and knowing things you shouln't," She grumbled as Remy led them back to her hotel. "Here, you'll need dis," Remy said as he handed her a envelop after instructing her that her costume would arrive tomorrow.

"You had this all planned," She stated earning herself a grin and a,"Dat's for me to know."

Feeling tired she flopped on her bed before falling deep asleep.

Terror choaked her along with the giant hands who's nails were claws. She was along in the dark running for her life as those hands tried to grab her neck.  She had to get away. As the hands closed in on her neck she screamed.

Bolting upright, she gasped for much needed air. Moving around she noticed she was soaked with her own sweat, even the sheets. Wobbly she got out of her bed as she gasped for air and her body temperature slowly went down.

At the sound of knocking she ended up signing for a package. It was a black and dark royal blue dress. It was beautiful !

She looked at the clock to see she had more than enough time. Washing herself she made sure the smell of sweat was gone. She smelled like violets, She made sure to spray a tiny bit on herself. The heels were black and strappy, she was a bit taller and her mask was black, simple and elegant.

Checking her hair to see the normally slightly frizzed hair had obediently stayed in perfect curls. Glancing at herself she saw the corset top tampered into a skirt while the bottom was a ballgown. Glancing at the card she saw it started at 7. That left her and Remy a lot of time to enjoy Mardi Gras.

She had to admit as she glanced at herself in the mirror all that primping and grooming worked. The drass made her skin look like porcelain. It made her feel like she was in a Fairy Tail and she was the princess. Like the Swan Princess she had loved when she was little.

Twirling around slowly the dress flowed around her.

Knock. Knock.

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