Au revoir

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She woke up to fluorescent lights, not strong enough to bother eyes but still she could see the light through her thin eyelids. Looking around the white room she saw that she was not in her cell or being experimented on.  Bracing her arms she lifted her bruised body up to look over her surroundings.

When she saw Remy Lebeau sitting in a chair fast asleep. Bumping her arm she let out a hiss of pain, it was not loud but loud enough for Remy to wake up and rush to her side. Pushing on her shoulders gently until I was lying on the bed.  Smirking Remy drawled,"Just where do you think you were going petite Cherie ?"

She could feel a faint blush on her cheeks. "Remy what happened to the other mutants ? I wasn't the only one there-" she began. "Relax Chere, we got them all out, they're here in the mansion and dat Hell Hole's been destroyed, " Remy replied with his heart melting smirk.

"You need to rest now Chere," Remy pointed out. "You do to Remy." Remy  looked aweful, his clothes were dirty and torn, his duster looked like it needed to be washed. His hair was dirty and he had bags under his eye's like he had not been sleeping for a few days.

To prove her point the door opened to reveal Hank. "Okay Gambit, Amy's awake now. Go to bed and take a shower. Your starting to make the infirmary smell."  Looking reluctance he got up and let go of her check. "Alright O'l Remy will leave." 

Leaning down Remy kissed by cheek. "I'll be back soon Chere," Remy said as he left. "I was about to ask him if he had Insomnia," she heard Hank mutter. "Well, Amy thankfully you only have minor Injuries," Hank began only to be cut off as the door was opened. "Hank why don't you leave. I need to speak to Amy," Professor Xavier said.

Once they were alone she remembered what Stryker had said, about her being a mutant.  "Professor,  Stryker,  he said I am a mutant with some psychic abilities, " she said slowly instead of rushing it all out. "Yes, I realized this," Xavier grimly replied.  "You knew ?! Why didn't you tell me !?" She rushed in her surprised. 

"At first I could not sense your powers," Xavier camly answered.  "Your psychic senses were so subtle it was not noticeable. From my point of view you had strong instincts,  like a sixth sense." Smiling she felt like she understood her life now. "That makes sense,  I've been like that for as long as I remembered. That explains my dreams."

For a few hours they talked about about her power's and their potential.  "Well Miss Hails,  have you thought of enrolling here at Xavier's School of Gifted Youngsters ?" He asked the big question. "Yes, I want to. I need to tell my parents," she replied.

Calling her parents she explained about her power's and what happened. Her parents were reluctant but agreed. "I want to stay here. The people are great and I'll learn how to control my powers," she said before saying goodbye. 

A few weeks later

She was finally free, her injuries were long gone now. Sneaking around outside,  Remy had been watching the students but was replaced by Storm. Once it looked like he had not heard her did she grab him from behind in a hug. Hearing his surprised yell she laughed at his surprised reaction.

Remy double took when he realized it was her. "Chere, are you trying to give O'l Remy a heart attack ?" He asked as she giggled as she hugged him from the front. "I thought I'd give you a surprise," she laughed. Raising a eyebrow ne asked, "I thought surprises were supposed to be pleasant ?"

Grinning she tip toed and kissed him. Pulling away from his stunned face she whispered in his ear,"How about that ?" Remy replied by grabbing her and kissing her until she was dizzy. Pulling herself away but still keeping her arms around his neck she saw a look in his eye. It gave her a bad feeling. 

"Remy, what's wrong ?" She asked. Remy sighed and sat down. Motioning her to join him. "Chere, I'm leaving."

Unable to contain her shock she asked,"Why, what's wrong ?" Remy took my hand and tried to calm me down but it did not work so well. "Nothing Chere, and that's the problem. I got busine to settle and let's face it, I'm not really the type to stay in one place for long."

Hanging her head down she tucked her chin on her knees.  Remy was right,  he did not put down his roots, it was not in his nature but she had hoped that things would end differently.  Not looking at Remy she replied,"I know. When are you going ?"

"As soon as I get my things and car," he replied.  Getting up she left Remy without looking at him. Her cheerful mood was gone now and all she wanted to do was stay in her room.

A Week Later

Remy had been packing his things in his car. He said goodbye to everyone except her. She had been avoiding him the whole week. He's still going to run off like a thief in the night, she remarked from her hiding spot. "So you thought you would sneek away like this," she let herself be noticed.

Remy turned around with a surprised look. He looked the same as the first day they met, fedora hat on his head and leather duster hanging on his tall frame. He chuckled but had this uncomfortable look on his face that read 'Busted'.  Stepping closer to her until they were a breath apart.

His eyes had this mischievous look, like they were up to something. "You know you can come with me Chere. Go on another adventure,  just you and Remy." Looking at him she took his hand. "Remy, you know I can't.  I need to learn how to control my powers."

"I know Chere,  but you don't you think you will be rid of me. I can call you and come back," Remy said with a grin. Grabbing Remy in a hug she replied with tears,"I'll be here." She felt him put something in her hand. 

"Here Chere, Remy's lucky lady." Looking she saw the Queen of Hearts in her hand. "Pour tu, ma belle cherie," Remy said before giving her a quick kiss and turning away. Grabbing him she wrapped her arms around him. Just a little longer, she thought as Remy returned her hug.

"Au revoir chere." With that he slipped out of her weakening hold and got into his car. As Remy drove away she whispered with tears,"Au revoir, Remy." Looking at Remy's lucky lady she knew he would come back. It was a promise.


Au revoir- Good bye, in Cajun French

Pour tu, ma belle cherie- for you, my dear

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