Chapter 3: God of the Underworld part 1

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Sora, Donald, and Goofy managed to tell Chip and Dale where they were and got back onto the Gummi ship.

"Alright fellas! thought we may never be able to go back to wonderland for uh... ahem! reasons. that's still one world liberated form the darkness! so where to next? the next world that needs liberating or back to Traverse town?"

"Traverse Town..." Sora, Donald, and Goofy groaned as they laid lazily in their seats.

"Oh dear, you boys really need a break."

"Well don't worry fellas! since we've already been to Traverse Town, we'll be able to make a speedy arrival!"

"So fast, the Heartless won't be able to catch us so rest easy Sora. you'll only need to use the controls when it's going to worlds we haven't been to yet."


now back in Traverse Town Sora, Donald, and Goofy walked off the ship and were greeted right away by Sid.

"how's it going, names Sid. I'm a local engineer as well as a shop owner in Traverse Town. but because I work with Merlin, I also have some items that might benefit you. speaking of which you are the keyblade wielder of light Sora right?"

"Uh yeah that's me... are you a student of Merlin too?"

"Hell no! I ain't his student! but I'm basically friends with Arith, Yuffie, Tiffa and I guess that Leon guy too. anyways I have three things to tell you, first Yuffie, Leon, and the others are off world, went off to find Merlin; Don't worry they'll be fine they'll just be gone for a little while. Second, like I said I run a shop here so if you boys ever need some supplies feel free to let me know. third and don't ask but, Leon said get the Ansem reports before Maleficent does."

"Ansem reports? what are those?"

"I said not to-! ugh, I only know the basic story so listen good! form what I can tell Ansem was a scientist that studied the properties of light and darkness after the keyblade war. right when the Guardians of Light were trying to get back up on their feet Ansem was studying the light and darkness to see if he could help them in get back into power. however, he ended up disappearing one day. Supposedly the moment Ansem disappeared was when everything went wrong. The Guardians of Light fell and at the same time the Dark Army regained their lost power.

supposedly the pages of Ansem report are said to contain unknown knowledge about both the darkness and light so it makes sense that both the keyblade wielders of light and darkness would want to have it. but unfortunately, one of the working theories is that Ansem disappeared after falling into the Darkness in-between worlds so that would mean the pages are scattered all over the Multiverse so the chances of you finding them all are gonna be tough. but either way if by chance you do find one grab it quickly because if you don't the Dark Army will, and they will use its knowledge to destroy even more worlds." Sora couldn't help but feel shocked to hear this, the thought of a single page holding the fate of an entire world. Sora then quickly shook his head before his mind wandered to anything bleak, instead he just focused on the goal.

"Got it! get the pages so Maleficent and the Dark Army can't hurt anyone else."

"Hm, quick response. can't tell if that means you know what you're doing or are just an idiot. either way it seems you at least got a good heart, kinda like Cloud."


"Oh uh... he's an old friend. acted all cool and tough but when push comes to shove, he would always stand by his friends and fight any evil that threatened them. you seem a lot quirkier than he was, but I think he probably would have liked you. now enough about that, my shop is right back there, follow me if you guys need some items and potions."

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