Chapter 10: The Spider in the Web of Darkness Part 1

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I am fully aware the Spiderman Movie is not a Disney movie, but Marvel is owned by Disney and thought I hate their recent aggressive marketing practices (if you know, you know) I still take it as an opportunity to have bits of the marvel universe into the kingdom hearts universe. Might as well make something good out of all the bad. Furthermore, in this fanfic it's a multiverse situation so technically anything and everything is on the table. Also, it's a fanfiction, so anything goes regardless. Anyways without further ado, here's Chapter 10 of Kingdom Hearts: The Brightest of Hearts.


Sora was using the controller to shoot off the Heartless ships that invaded the tunnel it's been a while since they saw Heartless ships, but Sora still remembered how to shoot them down. Sora was smiling as he was firing as this was a breeze for him, he felt glad to be doing something that hadn't been easy in a while. Goofy and Donald on the other hand were watching Sora in concern. Donald told Goofy about his guilt and how he was afraid that he encouraged Sora to push himself when the end was so close. To Donalds annoyance, Goofy made a joke about Donald not noticing the obvious. It was only afterwards, when Goofy shared in on Donalds fear of Sora pushing himself. This time when the bigger ships showed up Sora quickly used the aim to lock onto them and shot them down instantly with the missiles. Sora cheered in triumph knowing that he was able to finally defeat the larger ships with ease that originally nearly shot them down several times. 

"Hm, I don't know Donald. I know it's not normal of him to not want to go to traverse town first before resting but I think he's actually doing ok."

"Maybe but still if he's pushing himself, we need to stop him."

"I'm actually still surprised you care Donald; it was you who said he needed to grow up faster, A-hyuk!" Donald then glared at Goofy in disappointment.

"I'm not as dumb as I look, Goofy and... I try not to be as cold as I act." Goofy was actually taken a-back by this but just chuckled as he was glad that Donald was trying to be more open to other people's feelings now. It was a little overdue but better late than never. Soon there weren't any more Heartless ships for Sora to deal with making the remainder of the light tunnel a peaceful passage. 


Once they were finally out of the tunnel, they entered the world of New York City. Sora couldn't help but look out the windows of the Gummi ship in awe. This was the biggest city Sora had ever seen and by the looks of it there was a festival currently going on. There were large balloons of shapes and mascots that Sora didn't recognize but still found cool. Chip and Dale were quickly to activate the cloaking device of the ship thought Sora hardly noticed. Instead, Sora's eyes were caught by a strange, object flying in the air around the balloons. After looking closer Sora could see that it was actually a man in green armor, riding some kind of flying vehicle. Sora wondered if this was normal but before he could think about it, the Green Goblin started throwing bombs at the building causing people to run and scream in terror. 

"Ok nothing normal about that!" To make matters worse in the middle of the crowd Sora saw a Void portal manifesting an a Keyblade Wielder of Darkness exited. He quickly started slashing people to turn them into Soldier Heartless. Sora didn't even hesitate to head to the Gummi ship door and exit out, jumping onto the roof of a building. Sora could hear Donald and Goofy telling him to come back but he didn't listen, he was more focused on helping the people any way he could. Upon getting a closer look Sora saw the Greek goblin holding a grenade and throwing it at several grownups on the building balcony. The grenade exploded and turned them turned them all into Heartless that had green armor and green wings allowing them to fly. Sora was shocked, he knew how the Emblem Heartless were made but to see it was horrific. Sora grunted in a mixture of anger and frustration as, without even thinking, he manifested his Fairy Harp Keyblade which allowed him to fly down there. As the people tried to flee The Keyblade Wielder of Darkness commanded to Soldier and Goblin Heartless to surround them to prevent them from escaping while he turned more innocent people into Emblem Heartless. 

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