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(Short chapter)


Black. All I see. Wilbur's voice, Fading. I haven't eaten much this week. Two small snacks. I feel myself drop my phone and I hit the ground. Then I go numb. Everything goes quiet. The only think I hear are my thoughts.


I pull up to the library and practically jump out of my car and dash to the ally, There lies a motionless Tommy, on the ground with bandages on his arms and bruises littering his body. I rush to him and pick him up bridal style. He is surprisingly light for a 6'3 kid. I put him in the passengers seat and buckle him in, him still asleep ((Seat belts kids!)) and begin to drive to my house.

-- 5 minutes later--

We pull up to my house and I pick tommy back up and bring him into my spare room, making sure not to hurt him. He is still out cold. I decide to leave him there as I make some dinner.

-- 20 minutes later --

I hear a sort of shriek like sound coming from upstairs. I go upstairs and see tommy sitting up in the bed, a scared look washing over his face. He looks over to me," W-wibur?" He asks. "Yeah buddy its me! You hungry? I have food if you want some." I as as he shakes his head no. " Okay then, I suggest you just go back to sleep. Its around 10:00 anyways" I say

"Goodnight Tommy!'

"Goodnight Wil."

He looks and sounds so different. I will ask him about this tomorrow

--257 words--

I'm at a writers block right now! I will be uploading soon. I would like to thank you all for al the support!. By the way... wilbur...


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whatever... goodbye-

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