chapter 1- good morning

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"ugh" i groaned, putting my hands over my eyes. i heard a light buzz, my phone going off on my bedside table. i turned my head to look over at my sleeping boyfriend of two and a half years. we have known each other since the 8th grade. he introduced me to Stu, and i introduced him to my twin brother Doug. All of us were inseparable, and frankly still are. our senior year of high school, me and phil hooked up and we became friends with benefits for a bit. then i had to leave for college, and we didn't see each other for four years. i came back for Doug's birthday party and i saw phil. we eventually started dating. things have been running very smoothly ever since. i gently pushed phil's arm off from my waist, and i leaned over to reach my phone. i grabbed it, the contact saying "Dougie".
"Doug what do you want it's like- 8 in the morning," i groaned, utterly and absolutely exhausted.
"well first of all, good morning. i have a hypothetical for ya," doug said, you could hear the excitement in his voice.
"okay, shoot," i responded.
"don't hate me, but i was wondering if you wanted to come to my bachelor party. to vegas with me and the guys?" he asked, at the end his voice got higher like he was bracing himself for me to yell.
"who's coming?" i asked.
"phil, tracy's brother Alan, Stu, me and hopefully you?" he concluded.
"yeah fuck it why not? but you have to promise me that the Alan guy won't get all weird on us,"
"i promiseeeee" he whined.
"okay great, i'll be there!" i smiled.
"okay, well i gotta go. i'll see ya friday. love ya,"
"yep love you too dougie bye bye,". i hung up the phone, setting it back down on the bedside table before turning to face my loving boyfriend. his eyes were open, and he was smiling at me.
"good morning baby," i smiled, kissing his lips.
"good morning," he responded, his voice raspy. i ran a hand through his soft hair, it always looks so good in the mornings. what am i kidding, his hair always looks good.
"so, what did Doug want?" he asked as he pulled me in closer, laying my head on his chest. i lightly caressed his abdominal muscles as i thought about how i was going to tell him that his girlfriend was coming to the bachelor party.
"okay i don't want you to be mad, but Doug invited me to come to the bachelor party in vegas," i breathed out, i clenched my jaw waiting for a response out of him. he lightly chuckled.
"why would i be mad baby? i'm so glad your coming! more time for me and you to do whatever the fuck we want," he said as he kissed my forehead before kissing me on the lips. i kissed back, with a little more force than which he originally started out with. he smiled into the kiss before returning my energy. i sat up, so i was straddling him. i pulled away, putting a piece of my hair behind my ear. he looked up at me with so much admiration.
"you're so gorgeous my god," he smiled at me, before sitting up and pecking my lips.
"damn, i'm so fucking hungry," he groaned, his hands around my waist. i could hear his stomach growling, it was kinda gross.
"well well well, i can always make you some of my world famous french toast. but of course you don't want that do ya?" i teased, he was a sucker for my french toast. his face lit up.
"oh my god yes, i would kill a man for your french toast," i kissed him on the lips before getting off of him. i was naked, only underwear on. i searched for my bra, not being able to find it after i had discarded it the night prior. i felt fabric hit my face, i grabbed the fabric realizing that it was one of phil's button ups.
"put it on," he simply said before leaving the room. i put the oversized shirt around me, before buttoning it up. i went into the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror, my brown hair mildly knotted. i finger brushed my messy hair before simply putting it in a high bun. i put on my glasses to i could see, before making my way downstairs. i went into the kitchen, grabbing the ingredients for breakfast. i felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and a head on top of mine.
"smells good baby," he said as he started to kiss my neck.
"i haven't even started to make it Phillip!" i chuckled.
"i know," he laughed as he kept kissing my neck. i sighed in content, but a bit of worry was in me.
"it'll be fun right? the- the bachelor party," i asked, mildly worried.
"yes of course, you have nothing to worry about babe. and if anything goes wrong- which it won't. i'll be there to protect you"

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