chapter 2- long time no see

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It was finally friday, and i was beyond excited for this bachelor party. i have been to vegas once, for my old friends bachelorette party a few years back. but it's been a while, and we stayed in a very shitty hotel and the girl who i was going with got herpes. so, it wasn't a good time. but i was ready to have a lot of fun with the guys, Alan was a bit special but i have learned to deal with it over the months. Doug was picking me up from our house, then Phil from the school. He was a middle school teacher, he was not a huge fan of his job. i on the other hand, was a neurosurgeon. i loved my job, and i helped many people. but it was very demanding and caused alot of sleepless nights. i finished packing my bags, i had a dress packed for tonight but i wasn't going to wear the dress for the car ride. i had on a pair of skinny jeans, and a white button up blouse. i had my hair straightened already, so if i wanted to curl it tonight i could. i heard a car honk from outside. i knew that it was doug. i grabbed my bag and made my way down the steps of my California apartment that me and Phil shared. Doug got out of the car and grabbed my bag.
"here i got it-"
"thank you Doug, i had it though you know that," i smiled at him. once he put my bag in the trunk he gave me a hug. i rubbed his back into the hug. this wedding, as excited he was for it, stressed him out. he's such a sweet guy and he's my best friend. he's the best brother you could ask for. me and him looked a good bit alike, as we were twins. we both had darker brown hair, and blue eyes. we were both also pretty short. he was a bit more lean, as i had thicker hips and thighs but not too big. other than that, everyone knows that we are related you can tell. he pulled away from the hug and smiled at me.
"Jesus fucking christ! look at this car," i gasped in disbelief.
"yeah i know, tracy's dad let me borrow it,"
"i'm driving!" i yelped, before running to get in the car before him, he was right on my heels. he grabbed my arm, not too rough to hurt me though.
"no way in hell, you're a horrible driver!" he looked at me, his eyes wide. I groaned but complied, getting in the backseat of the car. the hot leather tingling my skin. i grabbed my sunglasses from my shirt that they were clipped on, putting them on. Alan, tracy's brother turned around and waved at me.
"hey Alan! how are you?" i asked politely, he had some issues and i didn't want to be too mean to him.
"i'm good ya know," he said, he had a green toned book in his hand that he was reading.
"what's that book?" i asked, my voice a bit louder than usual, due to the fact that the wind from the car moving was blowing around. he didn't respond, i didn't push. Doug let out a quiet "i'll tell you in a bit". I sighed as i laid back, letting the sun hit my skin. we pulled up to the school that Phil worked at.
"Ahem, do you have to park so close?" Alan asked, obviously very uncomfortable.
"Yeah. What's wrong?" my brother asked, confusion on his face.
"we shouldn't be here..." Alan said.
"why?" i asked.
"I'm not supposed to be within 200 feet
of a school."
"you're kidding right?" i asked, i was absolutely flabbergasted.
"or a Chuck E. Cheese," Alan added. i nodded at him, looking around for my boyfriend. i saw him at the top of the stairs of the school. he put on his sunglasses before making his way down to the car. shrugging off a few students on the way.
"Shit!" he whistled, eyeing up the car. My brother let out a "heheh" like laugh.
"Nice car, i'm driving!" he said.
"already tried baby, he won't budge," i responded. he smiled at me, hopping over the door of the car.
"buddy... Don't step... God. Watch the leath..."
Doug cringed, his face scrunched up in discomfort.
"Shut up and drive before these nerds
ask me another question." Phil said as he got comfortable, putting my arm around me as he kissed my cheek.
"Who's this?" Phil asked, referring to Alan.
"It's Alan. Tracy's brother," Doug told him.
"I met you, like, four times," Alan said, mildly offended. Phil looked at me and shakes his head. he had no recollection of who Alan was.
"Oh, yeah. How you doing, man?" Phil asked, acting like he knew who Alan was. we pulled out of the school parking area, making our way to Stu's house. I haven't seen Stu in forever. me and him were very very close. he was like my second brother. me and him both always wanted to be doctors. although i was told that he is a dentist, but acts like he's a doctor. Phil and Doug told me about his asshole of a girlfriend. "she beats him" is what Phil claims. she also "fucked a bellhop on a carnival cruise line". his words not mine. We pulled up to what i assumed to be Stu's place.
"Paging Dr.Faggot!" Phil yelled, i rolled my eyes and swatted my hand at his chest.
"Dr.Faggot!" i called out after Phil. phil laughed before giving me a peck on my collar bone. i saw Doug give Phil a glare. I saw stu walk out of the house.
"holy shit!" i heard stu yell once he saw me. i crawled over phil, and holed out of the car. stu dropped his bags and gave me a hug.
"ya miss me?" i asked.
"YES!" he responded. i chuckled in response. he pulled away and held me at arms length.
"you look great Adds," he smiled at me.
"thank you Stuey,".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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