Mr. Smith

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Tubbo pov:

I couldn't really remember much of last night.

But one image remained in my head, one thought with it

The sight of the mysterious man, and the kiss that stole my heart.

I needed to see him again.
To talk to him
To kiss him.

But instead I had school.
A stupid class which was failing and made little attempt to try and work harder

"Mr Smith!" I heard from the opposite side of the room
I look up from my notepad I realised I was doodling along the page

"Yes sir?" I replied, the red creeping onto my face from the embarrassment

"Would you care to tell me about the process of oxytocin release?" Mr foolish smirked, already knowing I had no clue

"Umm... it's the one where the thing comes from the other thing in the body" I half joked hoping to at least get a pass on the shouting

"Nice try Mr Smith but no. Pay attention next time" mr foolish warned before getting on with the rest of his lesson.

"Hey idiot... you kinda need to learn this" tommy whispered from behind me

"Shut up, I'm just... distracted" I returned

"You're always distracted, what is it this time?" Tommy asked but I simply remained quiet

A could feel my face heat up ever so slightly as I remembered the events of last night once more

"Tubbo... what is it?"

I thought about it again for a second
Should I tell Tommy
He doesn't know about my feelings towards guys
But on the other hand he's my best friend

"I'll tell you after class" I whispered

"MR SMITH!" Mr foolish shouted and I just mentally groaned


"So are you gonna tell me what's on your mind?" Tommy spoke

"Can we not get to my house first?" I groaned

"Nope, you've never kept something from me before for more than an hour so what is it?" Tommy continued, standing in front of me and poking my chest

"Ugh fine I- I kissed someone last night, and I can't get them out of my mind" I admitted, I felt stupid but at the same time nice to finally bring it up

"Oh. My. God" tommy smiled
"What's she like? What's her name? Did you get her number? I need details tubbo!" Tommy exclaimed

"That's the thing" I trailed off
"It's not a girl" I added and then leaned back, almost trying to hide myself in my shirt

"You kissed a guy?" Tommy questioned and I simply nodded, holding my arm behind my back.

"Oh fair enough, didn't take you as that kind of person but hey! You get that dick" tommy joked punching my shoulder lightly

"TOMMY!" I exclaimed and tommy laughed

"So what's his name?" Tommy asked

"I don't know I never asked. I didn't even talk to him I just danced with him then we kissed" I answered, reminiscing on the moment

"Was it good?" He asked, raising his eyebrow as if he was genuinely curious

"It felt like the best feeling in the world, but I'm not sure if that was the alcohol or not" I rubbed the back of my neck

"You should go back and find him" tommy half joked

"That's a great idea! You wanna go with me tonight?" I asked

"Tubbo I was joking"

"I don't care I'm doing it!"

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